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PROPULSION NOTES Keeping A Step Ahead With Updated Production, Testing Facilities ABB Turbo Systems of Baden, Switzerland, has enlarged and cen- tralized its local production facili- ties and modernized its tur- bocharger testing equipment to maintain its standards and to keep up with the shorter delivery times and demands of technology. The company designs, develops and manufactures Exhaust Gas- Turbochargers for the diesel and gas engine power range of above 500 kW. The company recently unveiled its new production hall, which is attached to the present manufacturing premises and mea- sures 413.3 x 98.4 x 49.2 ft. (126 x 30 x 15 m). The total investment MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS presents The New 1998 World Maritime Directory WORLD MARITIME DIRECTORY & Marine Equipment Cu tnloc From the marine industry's pre-eminent information source comes the most comprehensive industry directory ever published! You get it all in this expansive volume-Over 800 pages of the most prominent companies and contacts in the marine industry. Included in the 18,000-plus entries: • Over 9,000 vessel owners and operators—operating every conceivable type of vessel, including: cruise ships, tankers, bulkers, cargo, containers, and all types of workboats; tugboats, pushboats, barges, ferries, offshore cruise ship supply boats, passenger vessels and more! • Over 1,500 ship and boat builders and repair yards • Plus thousands of marine manufacturers and suppliers of every marine product, equipment and service. Each section features alphabetical company listings with easy reference indexing! You get over 18,000 listings including the most complete company details: addresses... phone numbers ... fax numbers... key contact names with titles! Quickly build and customize your very own industry contact list! Special Advanced Order Discount: $20 OFF 3 Easy Ways to Order! Just fill out the order form below and drop it in the mail! Fax your order to 212-254-6271 Or call your order in at 212-477-6700 ON CD-ROM $22995 SPECIAL CD-ROM VERSION BONUS! With this special CD-ROM version only, you '11 have access to thousands of archived articles from Maritime Reporter... at your fingertips! HARD COPY $11995 OVER 800 PAGES! Chock full of important industry contacts. Includes handy tab separators to indicate each section. Companies indexed by country, as well as complete alphabetical listings! 1998 WORLD MARITIME DIRECTORY ORDER FORM l~| Please send me. • Please send me. Name Company. Address _ City hard copy(s) of the World Maritime Directory for $11900 each! copy(s) of the CD-ROM World Maritime Directory for $229°° each! Payment: [ Bill me Qj] Bill my company ^^ Check enclosed • Please charge my credit card Please bill my: • CSS DBS • Account #: American Express State Zip Code. Phone Fax . Country. Signature X. Exp. Date: FOR FAST SERVICE, FAX YOUR ORDER TO: (212) 254-6271 OR MAIL TO:Maritime Reporter, 118 E. 25th Street, New York, NY 10010 PHONE: (212) 477-6700 $4.50 will be added to each order to cover shipping and handling. Please allow two weeks for delivery. NO REFUNDS OR RETURNSj ABB Turbocharger's Product Line • TPL: A new series designed for new types of four-stroke and two-stroke diesel engines with output ratings from 1,000 to 25,000 kW per turbocharger. • TPS: TPS is another new ABB tur- bocharger series designed to cover the future market requirements for high- speed engines, small medium-speed engines and gas engines in the power range of 500 to 3,200 kW. • VTR: The VTR turbocharger is designed for two-stroke, low-speed and four-stroke, medium-speed heavy duty diesel engines. Unit sizes cover diesel engine outputs ranging from 700 to 18,500 kW per turbocharger. • VTC: The VTC covers the diesel engine output range from 1,000 to 3,5000 kW per turbocharger, and is regarded as an excellent compact model. • RR: The RR is a lightweight, low-cost turbocharger with a robust deisgn and high efficiency. It is designed for an out- put range of 500 to 1,800 kW. 66 in this new facility alone was more than $16.5 million, with more than half of that going toward new machinery. The new hall is used for the machining of large tur- bocharger casings and the assem- bly of large turbochargers, activi- ties that were previously done in another hall some distance further. By housing all production activi- ties under one roof, communica- tions and logistics are improved immeasurably. New machining centers will enable the company to produce large turbocharger cas- ings with a more flexible schedule. In all, the new production site allows for a considerable reduction in lead time, lower tolerances in machining, more flexibility in tur- bocharger types and specs, and optimized stock management. In addition to the production center, ABB introduced its new turbocharger testing facilities for efficient thermodynamic mechani- cal trials. The new test center includes five independent test halls with seven test beds, to accommodate the entire range of ABB turbochargers. The highly automated center allows for 24-hr. un-manned operation. By concen- trating all turbocharger trial in one building, the manufacturer expects to receive more efficient operations and fast successions of tests; faster analysis of results leading to shorter re-design cycles; and a massive reduction in gas and noise emissions. Circle 88 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News