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Umoe Schat-Harding Relocates Saftey system supplier Umoe Schat-Harding has moved its cor- porate headquarters from Utrecht in the Netherlands to Rosendal in Norway, home of its lifeboat manu- facturing subsidiary Umoe Schat- Harding AS. The switch to Norway is accompanied by changes to three key managerial positions: Jarle Roth has been promoted from managing director to chairman; Svein Arne Saeberg, who is currently manag- ing director of Umoe Schat Harding AS, will succeed him as managing director; and Arne Dubvik, managing director of Umoe Schat-Harding's Singapore office, will take over the position of marketing director from Rob Bunders. Circle 20 on Reader Service Card BV Wins Norwegian Business Bureau Veritas (BV) has made significant in-roads to the Norwegian market of late. The largest passenger ferry ever built in Norway will be classed by BV, and most of the vessels operated by Jebsen Shipmanagement are to change class to BV. Jebsen Shipmanagement oper- ates a modern fleet of 32 vessels out of Norway and 12 out of London, totaling almost 300,000 gt. Forty of these will change class toBV. Circle 21 on Reader Service Card BIMCO Survey Shows Its Members Are Ready For The ISM Code BIMCO recently processed the results of its survey to shipowners regarding ISM Code implementa- tion, and the results show that more than 95 percent of the ton- nage controlled by its owner mem- bers will be able to trade after June 30, 1998, according to a recent survey. BIMCO's 1,000 shipowners rep- resent a fleet of 12,227 ships with a capacity of 407.7 million dwt, or about 56.4 percent of the world merchant fleet. Seven hundred and two shipown- ers representing 336.4 million dwt — or 89.4 percent of BIMCO's ton- nage — responded to the question- naire. January, 1998 17 BIMCO said that 449 shipown- ers, representing 333.6 million dwt, replied that they either are, or expect to be, in possession of ISM certificates by the June 1998 deadline. Another group of responding members were owners of ships that are subject to certification by the year 2002 only. Their tonnage amounted to 18.5 million dwt, owned by 178 compa- nies. Further responses indicated that 65 owners with a total of 9.3 mil- lion dwt will be under third-party ship management or under bare- boat charter to companies with ISM certification. A group of 163 shipowners repre- senting 27.8 million dwt had not responded before the deadline of the survey, however, this category includes 131 owners whose fleets will not require certificates until 2002. The standing of the remaining 14 owners, who do require certifi- cates, is such that BIMCO cannot have any doubts that they will be in possession of ISM certificates by the deadline. Circle 22 on Reader Service Card On SULZ-ER The World's Most Powerful Diesel Engine The 90 OOO bhp Sulzer 12RTA96C Autumn 1997 will see the starting of the world's most powerful diesel engine, a 12-cylinder Sulzer RTA96C engine developing almost 90 000 bhp. It has been developed as the driving force for the new generation of larger, faster Post-Panamax containerships in line-haul services. Already 11-cylinder RTA96C engines have been built since March this year. The largest diesel engine in production today, the RTA96C incorporates a wealth of experience from the Sulzer RTA84C engine which is the market leader in the propulsion of large containerships. Wartsila NSD Switzerland Ltd PO Box 414, CH-8401 Winterthur Tel. +41-52-262 49 22 Fax+41-52-212 49 17 WARTSILA NSD CORPORATION Circle 204 on Reader Service Card