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MARINE FINANCE USACE Seeks Boat Builder The Marine Design Center (MDC) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) intends to initiate a negotiated procurement to acquire one fisheries research vessel to serve the U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Div. in support of its research mission on the Great Lakes. The vessel to be acquired will be a self-propelled, steel or alu- minum constructed, monohull vessel. The vessel will support gill net and trawling operations, and will house wet and dry lab spaces where scientific research activi- ties will take place. Accommodations for scientists and vessel crew are also required. It is anticipated that the length of the vessel will be approximately 80 ft (24.4 m). The proposals will be evaluated on technical, management and cost factors, with emphasis in that order. A more detailed evaluation criteria will be included in the solicitation. Offerors are advised that their proposal must be with- in the Government's budget limi- tation — under $3 million — which will be identified in the solicitation. The RFP package was scheduled to be available last month. Interested parties may contact: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, Wanamaker Building, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107-3391, Tel: (215) 656-6894; ATTN: CENAP-CT (Ms. Cheryl Watson); SOLICITATION NO. DACW61-98-R-0007. Del mar To Provide Suction Anchor System For MODU Delmar Systems entered a five- year agreement with Shell Deepwater Development to pro- vide a Suction Anchoring System for rig mooring in water depths to 8,000 ft. (2,438 m). It will report- edly be the first such system used in conjunction with a Mobile Drilling Unit, and the first com- plete system to be installed in the Gulf of Mexico. The mooring system allows for pre-deployment, enabling the rig to commence operations shortly after arriving at the drilling loca- tion. The system also includes Delmar's proprietary Subsea Connector (patent pending) which facilitates deployment and allows several connection options between the anchor pile and mooring wires. The installation procedure requires only one conventional anchor handling vessel for deploy- ment. Circle 14 on Reader Service Card Consortium Tapped For Submarine Contracts The Chilean Navy has approved the purchase of two 1,600-ton Scorpene submarines from a Spanish-French consortium. The Navy's admiralty has reportedly approved plans to pur- chase the submarines - estimated at $200 million each — from the French DCN and the Spanish Bazan shipbuilders. R.W. FERNSTRUM & COMPANY 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ENGINEERED KEEL COOLING FE R N STRU M You want the best of everything on your boat, as long as it's affordable...right? Then why don't you give us a call? For the cost of a phone call, well figure out which of over 8000 different Gridcoolers is right for cooling your engine in your application. How can you go wrong? We've been engineering cooling systems for all types of marine engines for the last 50 years. Our product is so durable, efficient and easy to install that the U.S. Navy wrote their keel cooling specifications around our Gridcoolers. Why take chances when it comes to your engines' dependability? Do it right the first time... use Fernstrum Gridcoolers. • Completely assembled and factory tested • Silver brazed and welded joints • Heavy gauge 90/10 copper-nickel or 5000 series aluminum rectangular tube • Custom designed • The most compact form of keel cooling ualities found only in the GRIDCOOLER: 1716 11th Avenue, Menominee, Ml 49858 Ph: 906-863-5553 Fax: 906-863-5634 January, 1998 Circle 264 on Reader Service Card 13