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ENGINEER SURVEYOR The SMCO Group, Stamford Connecticut seeks an Engineer Surveyor. Candidate should be willing to relocate to any of our offices nationwide. Extensive travel required. Previous experience with hull and machinery surveys and fluency in a Scandinavian language a plus. Salary commensurate with experience. Please apply in confidence to: Scandinavian Marine Claims Office, Inc. P.O. Box 120020 333 Ludlow Street Stamford, CT 06912-0020 BOAT JOBS BENDER MARINE, INC. The leader in Maritime employment now hiring H • Captain • Mates • Pilots • Engineers • Tankerman • AB's,-OS's and QMED's START WORK IMMEDIATELY II • OCEAN TUGS • CREW BOATS • UTILITY BOATS • • INLAND BOATS • CARGO BOATS • CASINO BOATS * CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-824-1626 * FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY HELP MDA HELP PEOPLE Muscular Dystrophy Association (800) 572-1717 CALENDAR JANUARY Navigational Warfare and Military GPS: January 19-20, London, UK. PVA Maritrends '98: January 24-27, Opryland Hotel Convention Center, Nashville, TN. passvessl IBEX (International Boatbuilders' Exhibition & Conference): February 5- 7, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Contact: Ullo Interantional, Inc., Stephanie Vitali, tel: +1 203 852 0500; fax: +1 203 838 3710. Navstealth '98: January 27-29, London, UK. Contact: Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd., Bob Munton, tel: +44 181 949 9222; fax: +44 181 949 8215. FEBRUARY Seatrade Tanker Industry Convention: February 11-12, London, UK. Contact: Seatrade, Maureen Standing, tel: +44 1206 545121; fax: +44 1206 545190. The Sea Empress Oil Spill: February 11-13, Cardiff, UK. Contact: The Cartered Institution of Water and Environemntal Management, CIWEM Services Ltd., tel: +44 171 831 3110; fax: +44 171 405 4967. Oil and Gas Thailand '98: February ! 11-14, Bangkok, Thailand. Contact: Overseas Exhibition Services Ltd., tel: +44 171 486 1951; fax: +44 171 486 8773. IP (Institute of Petroleum) Week: February 16-19, 1998, London, UK. Contact: IP, Jane Hill, 61 New Cavendish Street, London, Wl M 8AR, tel: +44 171 255 1472; fax: +44 171 255 1472. Oil and gas West Asia '98: February 16-19, Sultanate of Oman. Contact: LMC, Mrs. Sord, tel: +44 171 453 2712; fax: +44 1992 570853. SPE India Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition: February 17-19, New Delhi, India. Contact: SPE, Dan Lipsher, tel: +1 972-952-9306; fax: (972) 952-9435; e-mail: Worldwide Deepwater Technologies Forum: February 23-24, London, UK. Contact: IBC, Emmah Tamlyn, tel: +44 171 453 2712 Liner Shipping, 2001 and Beyond: February 24-25, London, UK. UDT Pacific '98, Undersea Defence Technology: February 24-26, Sydney, Australia. Contact: Nexus Information Technology, Beverley Lucas, tel: +44 1322 660010; fax: +44 1322 661257; e-mail: udt.pacific@nexus- UDT Pacific '98: February 24-26, Sydney, Australia. MARCH ASNE Day 1998 (10th Anniversary of the American Society of Naval Engineers): March 3-4, Washington, DC. Contact: ASNE, Sally Cook, tel: +1 703 836 6727; fax: +1 703 836 7491. IADC/SPE Drilling Conference: March 3-6, Hotel Inter-Continental Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA. Contact: SPE, Dan Lipsher, tel: +1 972-952-9306; fax: (972) 952-9435; e-mail: Seatrade Cruise Shipping Convention: March 3-7, 1998, Miami Beach, FL. Contact: Seatrads, Maureen Standing, tel: +44 1206 545 121; fax: +44 1206 545 190. Fish Canada '98: March 6-8, Moncton Coliseum/Agrena, Moncton, N.B., Canada. International Oil Spill Conference & Exposition: March 8-11, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, WA. Contact: Trade Associates, Inc., tel: +1 301 468 3210; fax: +1 301 468 3662 Ports '98, "Ports - transportation link to global trade": March 8-11, 1998, Long Beach, CA. Contact: The Office of the U.S. Section, PIANC, tel: +1 703 428 6286, fax:+1 703 428 8171 CHC '98, Canadian Hydrographic Conference: March 9-12, 1998, Victoria, BC, Canada Oil Spill Response - The National Contingency Plan: March 10-11, Copthorne Effingham Park Hotel, Gatwick, UK. Contact: IP, Jane Hill, 61 New Cavendish Street, London, Wl M 8AR, tel: +44 171 255 1472; fax: +44 171 255 1472. Oceanology International '98, The Global Ocean: March 10-13, Brighton, UK. Sea Japan '98: March 11-13, 1998, Yokohama, Japan. Contact: Seatrade, Maureen Standing, tel: +44 1206 545 121; fax: +44 1206 545 190. The Institute of Marine Engineers annual general meeting: March 12, London, UK Contact: ImarE, Mr. P. Buckton, tel: +44 171 481 8493; fax: +44 1206 545 190. 100 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News