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THE ONLY EVACUATION SYSTEMS THAT ARE US COAST GUAM APPRUVEU. Evacuation Slide System. Designed specifically for Low Freeboard Ves- sels, it is a combination slide and platform. It provides speedy evacuation for all passengers - young, old and physically challenged. US Coast Guard Approved. I I I I I I I I Evacuation Chute System. I The most efficient, easy-to-use, flexible, and | cost-effective marine evacuation system avail- able in the world. It evacuates passengers and crew in the shortest possible time. Manufactured to meet or exceed all SOLAS requirements. US Coast Guard Approved I I I We manufacture the only US Coast Guard approved single 100 person Reversible Inflatable Platform. These sturdy platforms are designed for pas- senger carrying vessels operating in protected I waters. Fully reversible - it offers instant board- | ing, which ever way it inflates. Also available in 10, 25 and 50 person sizes. DBC MARINE SAFETY SYSTEMS | 12351 Bridgeport Road, Richmond, B.C. fJIJX1* ^^ Ph.(604)278-3221 Fx. (604) 278-7812 UVy* ':;.••'•" 1-800-931-3221 A division of Dunlop-Beaufort Canada Ltd. saleS@dbCmarine.COm Circle 234 on Reader Service Card Corroee^ Tip , a Jet film a. to 10 mil® For your FREE Corroseal tips tard and wot film gauge, tall us loll free 888-4-NO-RUST ^J888'466-7878) M -0& CORROSEAL, INC. Corroseal is a Registered Trademarks of Corroseal, Inc. Circle 227 on Reader Service Card Hydraulic mmmmm Features: • Hard wearing manganese steel vertical rollers rotating on bronze bushings • Optional tow line hold-down and stern rollers available • 8" and 12" diameter pins now available with 12" or 16" vertical rise • 3,4, or 5 pin models and compact unit available 16 Call or Fax for our free brochure WESTERN MACHINE WORKS 1870 Harbour Road - North Vancouver, BC-Canada-V7H 1A1 Phone: (604) 929-7901 Fax: (604) 929-7951 Circle 320 on Reader Service Card NAV/COM REVIEW Leica Wins Contract For Indian DGPS Beacon System Leica and Elcome Marine Ltd., its India distributor, have been awarded a contract by India's Department of Lighthouses and Lightships for a DGPS beacon system. The contract calls for Leica to install DGPS reference stations at 10 existing radiobeacon sites in India, which were selected to provide optimum coverage over Indian coastal waters. Each site will have two DGPS receivers, one integrity monitor and one broadcast sta- tion controller. The broadcast station software will run on Windows NT soft- ware. Standard RSIM message format will be used for communications between the controller, integrity monitor and ref- erence station. For more information on Leica Circle 45 on Reader Service Card Lockheed Martin Enters Chinese Market Lockheed Martin Ocean, Radar & Sensor Systems (OR&SS) has signed a contract with China with an initial value of $3 million for a vessel traffic system (VTS) marking the company's entrance into the Chinese market. China's Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry and OR&SS signed an agreement in April calling for the two to jointly pursue con- tracts to develop, produce and install marine traffic management systems for ports, harbors and waterways in China. For more information Circle 44 on Reader Service Card Marinette Orders Nautronix Systems Nautronix has been awarded a second contract this year by Marinette Marine Corp. to supply four additional Dynamic Positioning Systems (DPS) for U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) WLM coastal buoy tenders. The order is in addition to the six ASK4000JSDP systems Marinette ordered from Nautronix last February and brings to 19 the total number of USCG vessels supplied with Nautronix DPS. For more information on Nautronix Circle 46 on Reader Service Card Scientific-Atlanta Unveils Mobile Communications Transceiver Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. has introduced a mobile version of its new, compact StarGate satellite communications transceiver. The new communicator is a Maritime Reporter/Engineering News