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OUR ENGINE ROOM SYSTEMS COME WITH THESE VALUE-ADDED EXTRAS: 24-Hour, Toll-Free Access to Well-Stocked Spare Parts Departments. Protect Your Employees, Customers and Cargoes With High Quality Original Spares. 1-800-937-7689 Reliable Technical Support Available Anywhere Around the World. Exceptional Training Programs From Qualified Instructors. HSPX 303 SEPARATOR FOR OIL RECOVERY AND SLUDGE TREATMENT GMSE SERVICEMAN Timely Sen/ice From The Best-Trained Team In The World... Like Graduate Marine Service Engineer (GMSE) Danny Ports. WHAT IS A GMSE? GMSE stands for Graduate Marine Service Engineer. GMSE's are an elite, experienced team of highly-trained Alfa Laval Service Engineers strategically located in major ports around the globe. Their specialized training includes all aspects of Alfa Laval equipment and related engine room systems. ALFA LAVAL MANUFACTURES THE SYSTEMS THAT SERVE YOUR ENGINE ROOM: • Fuel & Lube Oil Treatment Separators and Systems, Heaters, Viscosity Control Systems, Fuel Booster Systems, Self-Cleaning Filters • Central Cooling Systems, Plate-Type Heat Exchangers For Numerous Shipboard Applications • Fresh Water Production, Plate-Type Distillers, Tube-Based Distillers • Oil Recovery & Sludge Treatment In the US call 1-800-210-4646 or visit our website A' Alfa Laval Uniting vital technologies 955 MEARNS ROAD, WARMINSTER, PA 18974-0556 Circle 205 on Reader Service Card