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MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL \t IMO Tackles Air, Hull Regulations The following news details recent developments and rulings of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations specialized agency responsible for the safety of shipping and the protection of the marine environment. will take on the responsiblities of spill response manager, natural resource consultant, third party administrator and crisis manager. "One of the biggest costs of an incident is the assessment of the environmental damage or impact on nature. Loss of recreational value, number of birds or animals lost in an incident can be tallied to equal a substantial monetary claim against a firm," said Karl Russek, a senior environmental consultant with ECS, adding that the compa- ny specializes in working with wildlife biologists and officials to mange a firm's liabilities in this area. As a third party administrator, ECS works directly with trans- portation and marine firms, or its hired by their insurers, reinsur- ance firms or P&I clubs on behalf of their clients. Air Pollution Measures Adopted A conference to adopt new mea- sures to cut air pollution from ships was held last month at IMO headquarters. The new rules, which will include regulations to cut pollu- tion from ship exhaust emissions, will be adopted in the form of a new Annex VI on Air Pollution from Ships to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships as modified by MARPOL 73/78. MARPOL currently consists of five techni- cal annexes containing measures to prevent pollution by oil, chemi- cals and other harmful sub- stances, as well as garbage and sewage. IMO Member States and coun- tries which have ratified the leg- islation (100 countries represent- ing 93 percent of the world's ship- ping tonnage, to date) participat- ed in the conference, adopting new air pollution measures in the form of a Protocol 1997 to the MARPOL Convention, and a new draft Annex VI. Japan Lobbies For Double Hull Movement The Japanese government has forwarded a document to the IMO SUPERIOR ENERGIES INC. MANUFACTURING and CONTRACTING TEMP-SET®, COVERS Removable Reusable Temp-Set Insulation Covers Manifolds, Turbos, Silencers and complete Exhaust Systems ACOUSTICAL INSULATION ASBESTOS ABATEMENT TURN-KEY JOBS Let us take care of all your insulation and abatement needs. WANT SUPERIOR QUALITY WANT SUPERIOR SERVICE CALL SUPERIOR ENERGIES INC. 1 -800-BU Y-SEI-1 P.O. Drawer 386 Groves, TX 77619 Telephone: (409) 962-8549 Fax: (409) 962-4027 HYPACK for WINDOWS HYPACK Hydrographic Software gives you the hydrographic power to lay out survey lines, create plotting sheets, and design cross sectional profiles in a flash. Graphically review your survey data and create new planned lines. Customize your screen sizes. Input up to nine devices, simultaneously. Have single and multibeam data collection capability at your fingertips. Display and edit tracklines. sounding profiles and text data. Apply tide, draft, heave-pitch-roll and sound velocity corrections. Plus: Full DXF/DGN Support. Plotting, including smooth sheets. The ably to create cross section profiles of multibeam ana longitudinal data. And a complete look at your Volumes, including average end area, prismoidai, contour and TIN models. i minimi wmws ^ mm Circle 310 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Circle 224 on Reader Service Card 64 The H YPA( k series of advanced design programs continues to build on the (loastal Oceanocraphics reputation for reliability, accuracy, ana fast, world wide service. COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHICS, INC. 11-G Old Indian Trail ^^^ Phone:(860)349-3800 Middlefield, CT 06455 W^jh Fax:(860)349-1982