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The leader in deck hardware for 60 years QUALITY DECK HARDWARE Choose Smith Berger for the highest quality deck hardware for your offshore, towing, oceanographic, dredging, and workboat needs. FAIRLEADS* DECK SHEAVES CHAIN STOPPERS • FLAG BLOCKS TOW PINS • STERN ROLLERS • ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE FOR CUSTOM DESIGNS. For information, please contact: Smith Berger Marine, Inc. 516 S.Chicago St. Seattle, WA 98108 206/764-4650 FAX: 206/764-4653 Circle 302 on Reader Service Card WATER IUBRIC ATED BEARING SYSTEM Look No Further! The best water-lubricated bearing system is here. The first real innovation in water-lubricated bearings in over 70 years is now available. It will out perform all other bearings. And here is how: • Patented installation method ensures secure attachment to the prop shaft, preventing spin out • Eliminates shaft wear, reduced maintenance costs and boat downtime Longer bearing life, improved lubrication and reduced vibration Installation is fast and simple Hardened Outer Sleeve Retaining Collar Non-Weld Drive Collar Look no further. For more information about the Aeroquip water- lubricated bearing system, contact your local Aeroquip distributor, or call us for a brochure and/or product video. Telephone: 800.336.4397 FAX: 919.235.3563 l\eroquip Marine Products Division P.O. Box 369, Middlesex. NC 27557-0369 ^ b "> ^ vy The most ecologically advanced separators in the world. 8,000 - 16,000 hour maintenance intervals. Dramatically increased flow rates. Lowest life-cycle and capital costs. G-rrA Westfalia Separator AG Leading Technologies. Individual Solutions. Westfalia Separator Mineraloil Systems GmbH Werner-Habig-StraBe 1 D-59302 Oelde, Germany Tel: +49 25 22 77-0 Fax: +49 25 22 77 23 94 Westfalia Separator, Inc. 100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647 USA Tel: +1 201 767 3900 Fax: +1 201 784 4399 Circle 202 on Reader Service Card Circle 332 on Reader Service Card Efficient Desludging System