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MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL (A 3 0 0 ft Team tec Launches Next-Generation Incinerators Teamtec AS has intro- duced PLC controls on its new-generation shipboard incinerators, reportedly allowing for improved per- formance and fuel economy, as well as lower emissions. Teamtec incinerators are designed for destruction of a variety of shipboard wastes, including sludge oil, plastics and general garbage and trash. The incinerators are type- approved and certified in compliance with IMO MEPC.59 (33), as well as with U.S. Coast Guard requirements and U.S. Federal regulations. Teamtec incinerators are available as containerized or skid-mounted units. In addition, Teamtec has developed the A-60 sides-U cuttle in response to the recent amendment to SOLAS Annex 7, deeming mandatory the installation of A-60-certified windows and sidescuttles in the superstructure of all tankers keel-laid after July 1, 1998. For more information Circle 55 I Z S z 0 K > z Entec/Retrofit Introduces Bilge Water System U Entec/Retrofit Systems has unveiled the SLOP-eVAP bilge water elimina- tion/reduction system. The W new system is engineered ™ to evaporate the water por- tion of bilge slop, which is ^ then boiled and turned into h harmless vapor before being vented through a HE blower-assisted stack into ~ the atmosphere. ^f Underfloor electric heat- ^ ing of the SLOP-eVAP ! reportedly allows for up to 98 percent reduction in bilge water. The system is designed to (Continued on next page) MSI To Conduct Waterway Improvement Study River Towboat Simulation Expect To Help Improve Designs And Cut Costs MarineSafety International (MSI) has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston, Texas, district to con- duct a simulator study of two areas of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW). The purpose of the simu- lator analysis is to assist the Corps' Waterways Experiment Station (WES) in fine-tuning and evaluat- ing new channel designs which are intended to alleviate navigational difficulties at Freeport Wiggles, a section of the GIWW, as well as in the High Island Bridge area, also a section of the GIWW. MSI will prepare visual, radar, depth, bank and current computer models of the two areas as they presently exist and as they will be with the new channel designs. Hydrodynamic response models of various configurations of push tows will also be prepared. Simulation tests will be conducted at MSI's Newport, R.I., facility which houses four interactive visual simulators. Two of the simulators are set up as river towboat wheelhouses, each featuring control consoles, two sets of steering and flanking rudder con- trols, twin throttles, river radars, VHF radios and other instrumenta- tion and gauges found on a river towboat. These simulators have been refined over the past three years while being used to train SeaRiver Maritime's Gulf and Inland Division, as well as other tug-barge operators. MSI will work with the WES to verify and, if appropriate, help improve channel designs. Using six experienced river pilots, approxi- mately two weeks of real time sim- ulator runs will be conducted at the Newport facility For more information on MarineSafety International Circle 48 on Reader Service Card November, 1997 On/Off \ Safe temperature preset rese B O Anti-scald shower with automatic shutdown Breakthrough Safe Shower technology • Thermostatic & Pressure Balanced • Fights danger of Legionella & bacteria without chemicals • Water conserving • High quality Swedish engineering • Externally mounted for easy installation and service a __„ JUFIKIMattsson Scanmix Corporation "f Massesr-—— 230 Bartlett St. Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 782-1885 - 207-782-1914 - Circle 296 on Reader Service Card ARCO Pollution Control CELEBRATES 25 YEARS Serving our customers' FAST RESPONSE OIL SPILL NEEDS WORLDWIDE! The Coastal 48 oil recovery vessel, featuring the MARCO Filterbelt, Joins the Clean Bay fleet in San Francisco. MARCO Pollution Control 2300 W. Commodore Way, Seattle, WA 98199 USA Phone (206) 285-3200 Fax (206) 285-2373 E-Mail: Circle 278 on Reader Service Card Reward If you have a glare or heat problem in your wheel house, dock area or office, we have something for you (this is not solar film applied to the glass but an adjustable heat and glare protector). Reward yourself by contacting Mclnnis Industries, 2301 Hwy. 365, Port Arthur, TX, 77640. For brochure and sample, call (409) 727-0044 or fax (409) 729-8811. Circle 324 on Reader Service Card ANCHORS CHAINS 1/2" up to 41/2", U2/U3 from STOCK! G. J. Wortelboer jr. B.V. P.O. Box 5003 3008 AA Rotterdam, Nederland Tel.: 31 10 4292222 Fax.: 31 10 4296459 Telex: 28393 GJWNL WORTELBOER Circle 248 on Reader Service Card 59