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EUROPORT '97 tions. It also has the ability to accept information from a wider range of sources, including portable vibration monitors and data terminals. The new system integrates vibra- tion and process measurements, builds and monitors performance curves and makes automatic real- time expert condition assessments before issuing corrective action advisories and, when linked to the ship's Computerized Maintenance Management System, can create "point and click" work orders. The multi-tasking Windows NT workstation permits the operator to view data through intuitive information displays and analysis tools, providing a clear picture of equipment conditions throughout the ship. For more information on Litton Marine Systems Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Thordon Features Propeller Shafts And Rudder Bearing Systems Thordon Bearings is planning to feature its three new open water lubricated propeller shaft bearing systems at Europort 97. The COMPAC propeller shaft bearing system offers low friction and long life in blue water opera- tions. It can be installed into the same space as a conventional white metal bearing for either a new- build or a conversion project. Thordon composite propeller shaft bearings are designed specifically for abrasive conditions especially for dredges, tugs or tow boats oper- ating in silt laden rivers. Thordon XL is a general purpose bearing. Thor-Lube is an environmentally friendly stern tube bearing system which reportedly eliminates pollu- tion concerns relating to stern tube oil. The Thor-Lube sealed system is comparable in design to conven- tional oil lubricated white metal systems but uses proven, non- November, 1997 / Fire, Water, Gas Tight / Classification Society Approved / Stamped Application Drawings / Easy to Install - No Blocks! Ask for our shipbuilding products brochure 800-981-4448 603-641-3914 SEALING SYSTEMS NORTH AMERICA Call the Experts - Industry Leaders for 25 years Circle 230 on Reader Service Card HS Please stop by our website: We have a lot to show you! General HydroStatics Stability Software Products GHS Full-featured hydrostatics IMSA BHS Mid-range package BHS/YACHT Yacht designer's package Member GLM Shipboard trim and stability GHS/SALVAGE Salvage oriented package CREATIVE SYSTEMS P.O. Box I9I0 Port Townsend, WA 98368 USA TEL (360) 385-6212 FAX (360) 385-6213 e-mail: sales@ Developers of advanced hydrostatics software since 1972. metallic Thordon XL bearings and Thor-Lube, a non-polluting water soluble lubricant. Backed by a 10 year wear life guarantee, Thordon SXL Rudder Bearings are designed to offer com- plete freedom from water pollution concerns for both refits and new construction. For more information on Thordon Bearings Inc. Circle 37 on Reader Service Card Circle 236 on Reader Service Card Circle 229 on Reader Service Card 53 The Cinet Maritime PC has been approved by: American Bureau of Shipping * Bureau Veritas * China Classification Society * Det Norske Veritas Germanisher Lloyds * Korean Register of Shipping * Lloyds Register of Shipping * Russian Maritime Register of Shipping * Nippon Kaiji Kyokai * Registro Italiano Navale. Rugged, Secure & Versatile! pentium Distributor American Eastcoast: Disctec Inc. 7033 Stapoint Court, Suite F Phone: (1) 407 671 5500 Winter Park, F1 32792 Fax: (1)407 CINET 4925 Series FIRESAFE SEALING SYSTEMS RISE SYSTEM for Cables SEALING PLUGS for Pipes i r » and you ve * ' b qutck resp ovements. v/ -V - r problem , Greensboro, NC eUeC°U DaWson Marine Circle 251 on Reader Service Card Proven Performance With 5 0 years of innovative seating design and manufacturing experience. Best Value! • Five Year Performance Guarantee • Luxurious Comfort, Superior Design • Total Adjustability, Multiple Heights • Compatible Models For All Work Positions .2890 Class U.S. Navy Bridge Wing &C Barber Chairs New—Replace Cushion in 10 Minutes Without Removing Seat H.O. Bostrom Co., Inc. 818 Progress Avenue Waukesha, Wl 53186 U.S.A. (414) 542-0222 Fax (414) 542-3784 1-800-332-5415