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MARITIME REPORTER & ENGINEERING NEWS rami f r * r I Propulsion coverage — whether it is product specific or it encompasses the vast spectrum of related products, systems and topical issues — is always of high interest because of its tremendous effect on a shipowners bottom line. While the number of component and system suppliers seemingly shrinks daily with the rapid rate of mergers and takeovers, the number of component and system options continues to widen. Manufacturers are working at warp speed to deliver products that stand out in a congested market and provide better efficiency, longer life, less maintenance costs and total environmental compliance. As the bar for environmental protection continues to rise — driven by ever-tighten- ing international, national and regional legislation — the importance of making the right propulsion system choice rises proportionately. While choosing the lowest emission, best efficiency propulsion unit is crucial, environmental pressures have changed another aspect of propulsion selection and supply, a change embodied in the new ARCO tankers ordered two months ago. The new tankers, being built by Avondale for the Alaska to Washington State run, are designed with complete redundant propulsion packages, comprised of two engines, two engine rooms, two rud- ders, two propellers, two control packages and more. The system is state-of-the-art in safety, designed to ensure con- trol of the vessel in case catastrophe strikes. The story on the new Millennium Class tanker is a central piece of our Tanker Technology coverage, and starts on page 42. The Tanker Tech section starts off with technical details of Bluewater's latest FPSO, Glas Dowr, a vessel which recently started producing at the Durward reservoir. In the "time-is-money" world of the offshore boom, the FPSO was delivered just 20 months after the contract was signed and appears on this month's cover. The Marine Propulsion Technology coverage this month is housed in a special pull-out section, beginning on page 57. The propulsion pull-out offers a variety of propulsion-related features, including Technical Editor David Tinsley's examination of recent advances in the area of diesel power (page 63); Contributing Writer Rodney Lanz's story on monitoring systems (page 66); and the first installment of a four-part series regarding an exciting engine room design project, currently underway at the David Taylor Model Basin (page 70). Gregory R. Trauthwein, editorial director Please contact me with any comments regarding the publication and/or news leads at: tel: +212-477-6700; fax: +212-254-6271; or e-mail: ONE FINAL NOTE: MARITIME REPORTER welcomes MARITIME WEEK to its product stable. Published weekly, MWprovides crucial, timely, financial-related information for anyone who does business in the maritime industry. I'd be happy to extend a FREE 4-WEEK trial subscription to MR/EN readers. To receive your free trial, contact me by telephone, fax or e-mail using the information above. (SoQuaLDg 8m Country Focus: Spain OCTOBER International Workboat Show Preview N. American Shallow Draft Business Australian Maritime Review Fast Craft Design Marine Financial Annual NOVEMBER Nav/Com Equipment Guide Marine Environmental Offshore Technology Review Regional Focus: BENELUX DECEMBER Great Vessels of 1997 Software Solutions Country Focus: Japan Editorial & Executive Offices 118 E. 25th St., NY, NY 10010 Tel: (212) 477-6700; Fax: (212) 254-6271; e-mail: PUBLISHERS Charles P. O'Malley John E. O'Malley John C. O'Malley Vice President Gregory R. Trauthwein EDITORIAL Editorial Director Gregory R. Trauthwein Senior Editor Bridget Murphy Senior Editor Nina D. Miller Associate Editor Suzanne I. Staszak-Silva Production Editor Anthony Besado Technical Editor David Tinsley International Editor Alan Thorpe Editorial Consultant James R. McCaul, president, International Maritime Associates MARKETING Marketing Manager Lois A. Stiglmeier Marketing Assistant Colleen R. Bennett PRODUCTION Production Manager Adam Hellman Asst. Production Manager Christopher Eaton Cll Circulation Manager Dale L. Barnett ADVERTISING SALES Regional Sales Manager Lucia Annunziata Regional Sales Manager Christopher Goldsholl Regional Sales Manager Jean M. Vertucci Classified Sales Representative Carrie Rivera U.S. GULF COAST James N. McClintock Simpson Corporate Park, Indigo House, Suite A, 206 South Tyler Street, Covington, La. 70433 Telephone: (504) 893-5099; Fax: (504) 893-5024 Advertising Sales Information Telephone: +21 2-477-6700 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News