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MARINE PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY — PRODUCT PROFILE U.S. Navy Ships... have been fitted with Loeffler deck drains, valves, and bells for over 40 years. They are precision made ^gr^—to the latest applicable V ^V * - \ NAVSEA, BUSHIPS, 1 , J or MIL standard. If you are building for the U.S. Navy or Coastguard, you need Loeffler. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-752-7595 201 East Lincoln Hwy, Penndel, PA 19047-4097 CALL 215-757-2404 • FAX 215-757-7105 Crenera/Thermodynamics Corporation CYLINDER POWER EQUALIZER BMEP BALANCER MODEL 300-A * Saves fuel * Makes exact fuel adjustment * Scans entire engine cycle, not just peak pressure. * Assures equal power delivery from all cylinders. This results in the smoothest possible running engine, minimizing bearing loads and wear. * No maintenance; No moving parts * All stainless steel construction * Fits standard indicator valve 210 South Meadow Rd. Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 (508) 747-9900 Fax: (508) 747-0172 E-Mail: Visit Our Website Siemens, Schottel Team For Podded Drive Product The ship has a propulsive power of 2 x 14 MW and a design speed of 22 knots. Propulsion analysis were carried out in tank tests under the research and assistance of tank test institute SVA Potsdam, and with SSPA of Sweden. The conventional diesel mechanic propulsion system of this vessel includes two shaft lines with 5.8 m propellers, and powered by 14 MW per shaft at 120 rpm. Two standard podded drives with propeller diameters of 5.2 m and propeller speeds of 160 rpm, as well as two SSPs with propeller diame- ters of 5.4 m and propeller speeds of 150 rpm were analyzed by SVA Potsdam, by tank tests and cavita- tion tank results. The results reportedly showed that the SSP would reduce the power consumption of a propulsion plant by 10 percent, so that either a higher speed of .5 knots (at the same consumption) or a lower fuel con- sumption of 10 percent could be achieved. For more information on the SSP Circle 75 on Reader Service Card Circle 288 on Reader Service Card Schottel-Werft and Siemens AG Marine Engineering have developed a new propulsion systems with a power range between five and 30 MW per unit. The system is designed to provide efficient propulsion, adding improved maneuverability and safe- ty to modern ships. The Siemens Schottel Propulsor (SSP) was designed to be suited for use aboard cruise vessels, large ferries and pas- senger vessels, cargo vessels, ice- going vessels, large offshore struc- tures and navy vessels. To improve efficiency, Schottel has developed the Twin Propeller. The propeller load is distributed to two propellers, one forward and one aft of the lower housing. With two airplane type fins added to the lower housing and 50 percent load per propeller only, the STP can achieve up to 20 percent efficiencies compared to alternative systems, the manufacturer said. As a reference vessel for tank tests, the Meyer Werft-built 70,000- gt cruise vessel Century was chosen. Circle 256 on Reader Service Card