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MARINE PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY The Steering Committee modi- fied the ERAM Requirements Document to include the vision and objectives of the project. The vision was to initiate "a customer- focused process that enables the U.S. shipbuilding industry to design and build engine rooms which promote internationally competitive commercial ships." The objectives were: TABLE 1: ERAM Team Participants 1. To provide a forum for U.S. shipbuilders to present views and needs for product and process design. 2. Within 12 months, to develop a process using IPPD for industry use, to design engine room arrangements that provide the basis for the design of internationally competitive commercial ships. 3. Within 24 months, to demonstrate the process by designing three (later increased to 4) world-class engine room arrangements. 4. To achieve customer-focus and buy-in of product design. 5. To achieve U.S. shipbuild- ing industry-focus and buy-in of process design. 6. To establish baseline com- mercial ship engine room designs as benchmarks for eval- uation of future government-ini- tiated change. 7. To document both the product and process design with rationale for use and further refinement by other users. The first product (SSD#1) was a contract level design using the hull form of a design created by the Maritime Administration (MarAd), known as PD-337. This vessel's characteristics were based on an operating profile of a North/South American trade route that was considered most viable according to one of MarAd's market research studies. The SSD#1 ERAM (core) team participants are listed in Table 1. A key element of the project was the full-time on-site CAD design- ers from D&P, InfoTech and DTMB. Other resources/expertise uti- lized on a part-time or rotating basis included: A&T - Vector Research (management consult- September, 1997 Circle 259 on Reader Service Card 71 ing); Alfa Laval (fuel treatment); Allweiler (pumps); Boll & Kirch (filters and strainers); Crowley Marine (ship operator); D&P (elec- trical and structural engineering); Maersk Lines (ship operator); and Tranter (heat exchangers). The Strategic Design Method (SDM) was utilized to define the Country Company Name Expertise U.S. D&P Richard DeVries Team Leader U.S. DTMB Ben Kassel MIS Manager U.S. Avondale Shipyard Watson Perrin, II Arrangements, HVAC Brazil C0NSUNAV Jorge Ribeiro Arrangements, Piping U.S. D&P Frank Woronkowicz Control Systems U.S. Bath Iron Works Steve Bradbury Arrangements, Piping U.S. NASSC0 Mike Barton Arrangements, Piping Denmark MAN-B&W Mike Jeppeson Propulsion Finland Wartsila Seppo Rautava Arrangements, SSDG Denmark Odense Carsten Sjoberg Arrangements, Piping GOLTENS — 'ROUND THE CLOCK, 'ROUND THEWORLD. DIESEL ENGINE OVERHAUL For over 50 years, the repair and maintenance of diesel engines has been the number one priority at Goltens. Our engineers and mechanics are experienced with all types of engines. And because we complement our 'round the clock, 'round the world service with spare parts inventory from virtually all the top manufacturers, we are able to keep your downtime to an absolute minimum. So for diesel engine repair, complete overhaul or re-engining in port, at sea, or at your plant — count on Goltens. We'll do the job right away... and we'll do it right. Goltens WORLDWIDE Oslo (47-22) 68 90 80 Hong Kong (852) 2775 0161 • Dubai (971-4) 341642 Shanghai (86) 21 4811721 • Singapore (65) 8 61 52 20 Rotterdam (31-10) 4 79 00 • Jakarta (6221) 640 8091 Wilmington, CA (310) 549-2550 • Miami, FL (305) 576-4410 Fairhaven, MA (508) 993-2631 • New York, NY (718) 855-7200 GOLTENS — 'ROUND THE CLOCK, 'ROUND THEWORLD. FUEL EQUIPMENT REPAIR Fuel equipment needs constant attention. 'Round the clock, 'round the world, Goltens will save you valuable time and money. At Goltens, our trained experts use special testing and repair equipment as well as a huge inventory of replacement parts to help minimize your down- time. So if you have problems asso- ciated with your fuel equipment, count on Goltens. We'll do the job right away...and we'll do it right. Goltens WORLDWIDE Oslo (47-22) 68 90 80 Hong Kong (852) 2775 0161 • Dubai (971-4) 341642 Shanghai (86) 21 4811721 • Singapore (65) 8 61 52 20 Rotterdam (31 -10) 4 16 79 00 • Jakarta (6221) 640 8091 Wilmington, CA (310) 549-2550 • Miami, FL (305) 576-4410 Fairhaven, MA (508) 993-2631 • New York, NY (718) 855-7200