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MARINE PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY In This Section On The Cover: The assembly of Y-type/ medium-speed engines at MAN B+W Diesel's Augsburg factory. DIESEL POWER Technical Editor David Tinsley delivers insight on the latest developments driving the diesel engine market. STANDING WATCH As workloads onboard increase, propulsion system surveillance has been increasingly left in the capable "hands7' of sophisticated monitoring systems. o o o o o . 'jH ยป*. i <0 >* C J I? . iS Kvaerner Masa-Yards has fitted 1 Propelling a vessel though the water entails far more than the tra- ditional shaft and propeller arrangement. sion units on jk Carnival 1 Cruise Line's tm Elation ... ' ' page 68! 70 ERAM: A REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO ENGINEROOM DESIGN Costs associated with the engineroom aboard any vessel accounts for a large portion of a shipbuilding contract. To help streamline this crucial area in terms of cost and enhance it in terms of efficiency, an international group of top tier naval archi- tects and marine engineers has been assembled at the U.S. Navy's David Taylor Model Basin to complete a joint industry/Navy engine room arrangement modeling project. This article is the first in a four-part series detailing the group's progress to date. 63 66 68 74 GIVING CHARGE AIR COOLERS INNER STRENGTH Crane Heatex strives to fulfill the increasing demand for charge air coolers tough enough to withstand the harsh marine environment. 78 BUNKER FUEL MONITOR 80 PRODUCT PROFILE: Cambridge Applied Systems viscometers September, 1997