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Your Needs... One Answer. Atlantic fiiabma. Mi Want, no ar-we, to Circle 377 on Reader Service Card Four Shipyards... One Name. -/4tlantic is your answer for new construction, conversion or repair. Conveniently located on the East Coast and Gulf Coast, our reputation for quality workmanship, on-time delivery and competitive pricing is unsurpassed. Atlantic is the only name to remember. Visit our web site at: In Jacksonville, Florida: Atlantic Marine, Inc. - Newbuildings Atlantic Dry Dock Corp. - Repairs/Conversions Tel (904) 251-3111 Fax (904) 251-3500 In Mobile, Alabama: Alabama Shipyard, Inc. - Newbuildings Atlantic Marine, Inc. - Repairs/Conversions Tel (334) 690-7100 Fax (334) 690-7107