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association of software develope with complement! marine design products. IMSA Only $18,955 Circle 353 on Reader Service Card 38 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (MarAd) has awarded a contract t Shepard-Patterson & Associates Inc. for the procurement of Read; Reserve Force (RRF) vessel part, and associated components. Th< contract specifies that the compa ny will use a procurement tracking system compatible with MarAd's Equipment Configuration Spares Management Information System and a database for vendor sources. While Shepard-Patterson will focus on technology development, a subcontractor, Peterson Builders, Inc., will handle the procurement activities. The total value of the contract for procurement services is $1.9 million. In addition, the Federal Government will reim- burse the contractor the actual cost of the parts and equipment procured. The contract is for one year, with options for two one-year extensions. MarAd maintains ships in the RRF for activation in the event of a national emergency. When acti- vated, RRF ships are crewed by civilian American seafarers. New Headquarters For Thomas Gunn Navigation Services The official opening of Anchor House, the new headquarters of Thomas Gunn Navigation Services (TGNS), was performed by the Hydrographer of the Navy, Radm. John P. Clarke, on July 15 in Aberdeen. The new location reportedly will provide the compa- ny with an improved working envi- ronment. According to TGNS' senior partner, Thomas Gunn, the new premises will provide the company with a much better work- ing environment especially with regard to its chart department, customer services department and workshops. "We are now able to store the full range of British Admiralty charts and publications — some 3,600 dif- ferent items — on separate shelves," Gunn said. "This of course simplifies the work of our chart department and customer services department staff but also makes the never-ending task of chart updating much easier to per- form and monitor." New Executive VP Announced At East Coast Overseas Corp. Mr. Joao Melo Franco, the new chairman of East Coast Overseas than normal. Schat-Harding developed a new 150-person partially enclosed lifeboat, the MPC 32, especially for use on very large cruiseships where straight side length avail- able for lifeboats is limited com- pared to the passenger capacity of the vessel. At an overall length of 31.5 ft. (9.6 m), the new craft is reportedly the smallest of its kind in the world. For vessels of the size of the Eagle project, there is only sufficient straight side for 12 normal lifeboats. Thirteen of Schat-Harding's new MPC 32s can be accommodated, adding 150 per- sons capacity to each side. The Eagle contract also includes complete installation and testing of boats and davits on the vessel. For more information Circle 88 on Reader Service Card Shepard-Patterson & Associates, Inc. Awarded MarAd Contract The Maritime Administration "The SeaOtter meets or exceeds the specifications of other ROV systems sold at twice the price." •jack Fisher, President <