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Loss Of Life At Sea Is Up LIVES LOST AT SEA — LAST 5 YEARS 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd. During 1996, lives lost as i result of accidents at sea almos doubled over the previous year, fig ures in World Casualty Statistics published by Lloyd's Register's reveal. Port Weller Dry Docks CSE Marine Services Inc. Charles H. Payne, General Manager 1 I. Badenoch, Technical Manager (905) 934-2581 r (905) 646-8033 Fax (905) 934-8135 Fax (905) 646-8043 Landsdowne Technologies Inc. Landsdowne Technologies Inc. J. Faulkner, President (613) 236-3333 Fax (613) 236-440 Circle 353 on Reader Service Card 34 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News The report said that while ton- nage lost remained at .9 million gt — the same as for 1995 — the number of people reported missing or dead as a result of total losses during the 1996 was 690, com- pared with 379 for the previous year. The heaviest loss of life reported by Lloyd's occurred when Indonesian-registered passen- ger/RoRo cargo ship Gurita struck rocks off Banda Aceh, Indonesia, j resulting in 338 reported missing or dead. Although it is not listed in Lloyd's statistical study, the great- est loss last year came when Tanzanian-registered passenger ferry Bukoba capsized and sank on Lake Victoria, East Africa, taking 869 lives. Lives Lost At Sea 1991 to 1996 Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd. is one of Canada's leading marine engineering, construction and repair companies. We design, build and convert many of the ships that sail the Great Lakes. Our three divisions - Port Weller Dry Docks, Canal Marine and Pascol Engineering - and two wholly-owned subsidiaries — CSE Marine Services Inc. and Lansdowne Technologies Inc. - work together to produce quality marine, mechanical, electrical and industrial products for our customers. CSE's premier shipyard, Port Weller Dry Docks, celebrating 50 years in business, recently converted Algoma Central Marine's bulk carrier, M. V Capt. Henry Jackman, to a self-unloader. Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd., continues to build traditions of innovation and excellence. Canadian Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd. Alan S. Thorns, President, Douglas G. Stones, VP, Finance 340 Lakeshore Road, East, RO. Box 3011, St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 7C1 Telephone (905) 646-2261 Fax (905) 646-2838 General Cargo 217 General Cargo 39 Passenger/RoRo 608 Traditions of Innovation and Excellence All Cargo Carrying Ship Types 1,103 Allotypes 1,204 Source: Lloyd's Registry Canal Marine C. Opdam, General Manager (905) 685-9293 Fax (905) 685-9341 ENGINEERING Pascol Engineering W Allan, General Manager (807) 683-6261 Fax |807) 683-3607