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CAMIMO^ The Institute for Marine Dynamics The Institute for Marine Dynamics is a branch of the National Research Council of Canada and is the Canadian national center for ocean technolo- gy research and development. The Institute provides technical ser- vices in the areas of ship technolo- gy and ocean engineering. Its major clients are the Canadian ship design and shipping indus- tries, and offshore oil and gas prod- ucts. Offshore Systems Ltd. Offshore Systems Ltd. of North Vancouver developed and supplies Electronic Chart Precise AND CREW vwrrnri "EVAC-U8® has a unique ability to neutralise all hazardous gases commonly found in a fire, and gives extraordinary protection against these gases. . . If everyone were equipped with an EVAC-U8® unit, the number of fire- fatalities would drop to nearly zero." Captain Jan-Olav Lindkvist Stockholm Fire Brigade Seatrade AWARDS 1996 Emergency Escape Smoke Hood Used on safety and liability conscious cruise ships worldwide, the EVAC-U8® Emergency Escape Smoke Hood can be donned within 15 seconds in the event of an onboard fire. Serious injury or death from smoke inhalation occurs in only a matter of seconds - EVAC-U8® will provide your guests and crew with up to 20 minutes of filtered air. Protect them - 20 minutes could very well mean the difference between life and death! 330CXDALE International Systems Inc. 1-8755 Ash St., Vancouver, BC, CANADA V6P6T3 1-800-459-3822 • 1-604-324-3822 Fax: 1-604-324-3821 E-mail: Tel Circle 407 on Reader Service Card Davie.... . . . CANADA'S MOST EXPERIENCED AND DEPENDABLE BUILDER OF SHIPS AND OFFSHORE PLATFORMS CONSTRUCTED TO THE HIGHEST QUALITY STANDARDS BAVIF //v/?usmfs tHUHI /////////* /i ///////// / /•///////// "/,////////, // ///f/f/f Davie Industries, Inc. 22 George D. Davie Street Levis, Quebec, Canada G6V 8V5 Tel:4l8-837-584l Fax: 418-835-1017 Circle 400 on Reader Service Card Integrated Navigation Syst (ECPINS), an electronic chart c play and information syste ECPINS integrates a digitized v tor version of the familiar pap chart, differential Glot Positioning System (DGPS) infc mation which gives the mariner fix on his position with an accur cy as close as three meters, rad; information provided to the scree as an overlay, and a compute which integrates not only th chart, positioning and radar infoi mation, but also the whole range c sensor inputs available on boarc The computer supports th mariner's navigation, track-keep ing, maneuvering, docking ane voyage management with accu rate, real-time dynamic data, ECPINS displays an scaled outline of the ship on its video screen and updates the ship's position twice a second by inputs from its DGPS. The ship's location is superim-j posed on an electronic chart dis- play of the waterway, and the video screen shows the ship's posi- tion in the channel, its track, its heading, and its speed. All hazards, surface and sub-J merged, are indicated on the elec-j tronic chart presentation. Radar overlay indicates the position ofi other vessels in the shipping lane.j The precision fix capabilities com-j bined with autopilot allow buoj tenders to hold a near-perfect posi-| tion while the crew sets navigatior aids. That same capability makes it useful for determining the location! of intruders in surveillance opera-| tions and pinpointing survivors isl search and rescue missions.! Offshore systems has now imple- mented over 150 of these systems. | ComNav Marine ComNav Marine is a manufac-| turer of autopilot systems and| accessories for all types and sizes of vessels. The company is a major supplier to the British ColumbiE Ferry Corporation. Its 2001( Autopilot, which is designed for vessels of greater length and inter-| faces with a gyro compass as well as most other navigational equip-] ment, is presently installed or three vessels. This particular autopilot system has additional] highlights including: adjustable rudder gain; counter rudder gain;| yaw and turn rate; three turr function; and automatic trim con-j trol. The B.C. Ferry Corporatior Maritime Reporter/Engineering News