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(Continued from previous page) nprovements at its Fairview arminal. Such improvements are esigned to accommodate the langing needs of Canadian agri- lltural industries. The specialty grain handling icilities, for instance, are under- oing changes that should increase le storage and improve the hiploading equipment. In addi- on, its wood pulp storage will be xpanded to address the increased iterest the forest industry has hown in using Prince Rupert as a ateway to the Pacific. Millar Western Pulp Ltd. may be the first f many new wood pulp customers o utilize Fairview Terminal with ts recent agreement to move 15,000 tons per year starting in anuary 1998. Marine Safe Electronics Marine Safe Electronics sup- dies MotoSafe and FailSafe moni- ors, which continuously monitor nsulation while the motor is idle md detect the environmentally- :aused deterioration of insulation weeks before failure level is -eached. This alert system has seen marketed to major marine clients worldwide, including both nilitary and commercial cus- tomers. DataStar Marine Products Inc. DataStar Marine Products Inc. has shipped its first V-MAC Vessel Monitoring and Control System. The DataStar V-MAC 5500 was installed on the 195-ft. (59.44-m) Seabulk Veritas built in Green Cove Springs, Fla., and was sup- plied by Electrical Cable, Connectors & Lugs of Lafayette, La. The alarm system can monitor tall shipboard alarm conditions, such as fire, high bilge, hazardous vapors, nav lamp fail, and intru- sion. It has engine and fuel manage- ment capability and may be pro- grammed to operate any pumps or any other onboard equipment. The system log records and tags all monitored events by time and position and can report the entire voyage for later analysis. Siemens Marine Group Siemens Marine Group delivers systems ranging from a ship's September, 1997 CMHaHHSEmlEZHHEE entire electrical generating, propulsion and control needs to stand-alone systems that replace or automate routine shipboard tasks to North American cus- tomers. Recent projects include refits for three new Jumbo Mark II series ferries for Washington State Ferries, three Washington State Steel Electric Class ferries, and for Canadian Coast Guard icebreak- ers, electrical propulsion, automa- tion and control systems for BC Ferries. Other recent projects include trawl winch refit for Fisheries Products International, and auxiliary propulsion water- cooled Master Drive and integrat- ed alarm and control system for a U.S. Navy training vessel. Siemens also recently applied an all-digital approach on the Sedco- Forex 707 oil rig project, which Reliable Mitsubishi Marine Diesel from 75 to 4,800 bhp SIMPSON POWER PRODUCTS LTD. 11545 Kingston St., Maple Ridge (Vancouver), B.C., Canada, V2X 0Z5 TM Tel: (604) 460-3611, Fax: (604) 460-1974, Parts Direct: (604) 460-3301 BRANCHES: Portland, Oregon 503-249-8100 Seattle, Washington 425-486-7305 Toronto, Ontario 905-238-0880 Calgary, Alberta 403-245-1674 Circle 340 on Reader Service Card S16R-MPTK2 2815 BHP at 1800 RPM Touring or Breaking the Ice- Mitsubishi does it ALL! S16R-MPTK 1850 BHP at 1650 RPM