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iMiMW advanced workstations is a corner- stone in the modernization and evolution of military combat sys- tems. Our receipt of this award demon- strates the U.S. Navy's confidence in the Lockheed Martin-DRS Technologies team," said DRS Chairman Mark S. Newman. Navy Selects Wang For Lucent-Led IT Contract Wang Government Services has been selected by the U.S. Navy as part of the Lucent Technologies team which will provide technical services for the Voice, Video and Data (ViViD) contract valued at $2.9 billion over 10 years. Wang services will include pro- viding integrated network man- agement services; integrated voice, video and data network design and implementation; and multi-vendor maintenance. Global Ocean Carriers Expands Fleet Global Ocean Carriers Ltd. has taken delivery of two Panamax bulk carriers and two feeder con- tainer vessels which were pur- chased for $55.4 million, and fund- ed from the proceeds of Global's $126 million issue of 10-year unse- cured notes. Global reports that it has no secured debt outstanding on its existing 12-ship fleet. "The prompt acquisition of the four vessels means that the new debt capital raised through the note issue has been immediately put to work. The four vessels are on a mixture of spot and period employment and are currently contributing $46,500 per day in gross revenues," said President Nikolas Tsakos. Newport News Shipbuilding Announces IT Advancement MVSI, Inc. subsidiary Socrates Computer Systems Inc. has entered into an agreement with Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) for a computer service cen- ter dedicated solely to the support of the yard and its 18,000 employ- ees. The center will be operational by September and will deliver the hardware and software products September, 1997 and related computer services required to support the yard's com- puterized work processes. NNS Chief Information Officer Steve Hogan commented: "The Service Center is a process improvement that will eliminate non-productive delay for most user requirements. NNS' computer needs will be satisfied in hours rather than weeks." GE Capital Services Consolidates Assets GE Capital Services has announced the strategic consolida- tion of TIP Intermodal Services and Genstar Container Corp.'s domestic container assets. The new group will be called TIP Intermodal Services and will report to TIP headquarters in Devon, Pa. More than 18,000 intermodal containers and 10,000 chassis from Stern to bow, Gems Sensors has all your shipboard liquid level, flow and pressure sensing needs covered. Our MarineGrade™ sensing components are precisely engineered for a wide variety of specialized needs through- out ships and off shore rigs. MarineGrade™ Sensors are ideal for both new and retrofit applications. 'HE EASY CHOICE FOR FLUID SENSING SEI\ISORS FOR MOST ANY APPLICATION I Lube Oil Tanks I Fuel Oil Tanks I Hydraulic Systems l Coolant Tanks I Ballast Tanks l Cargo Tanks I Storage Tanks lDay Tanks I Potable Water Tanks I Fire Fighting Foam l Gray Water Tanks I Overfill Alarm Monitoring l Sump Tanks I Waste Oil & Oily Waste Holding Tanks l Expansion Tanks l Feed Water Systems l Bilges Remote Alarm Indication Strobe Lights & Siren „ABSn CERTIFIED Fuel Oil Storage Tanks Transmitters and Receivers FREE! MARINEGRADE" FLUID SENSORS BROCHURE •Products "Sales Offices • Distributors ^Yes, I want to keep up with the best! Send the latest MarineGrade™ brochure. Name Company Streets City _ Phone: .State. _Fax:_ For Application Assistance Call: 1-800-321-6070 Gems Sensors One Cowles Road Plainville, CT 06062-1198 tel 860.747.3000 fax 860.747.4244 Circle 255 on Reader Service Card 13