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SHIP REPAIR & CONVERSION (Continued from page 120) Boskalis, the ship underwent installation of dredging equipment and general repairs. Spanish shipbuilding and repair giant Astilleros Espanoles (AESA) has been awarded another contract from the Brazilian offshore mar- ket, namely a $145 million con- tract to convert a VLCC into a FPSO unit. The 300,000-dwt tanker, which has not yet been specified, but is expected to be lifted from the Petrobras fleet, will be converted at the AESA's Cadiz yard. Awarded by Esmeril, which will operate the converted unit on behalf Petrobras, the vessel will be re-delivered in November 1998. After delivery the vessel will be moored in waters reaching 3,300 ft. (1,000 m) on Petrobras' Roncador offshore field. During May, the Cadiz yard delivered the converted FPSO Petrobras 32, which was formerly VLCC Cair six months ahead of schedule. Germany's Lloyd Wer (Bremerhaven) has won a contra — believed to be valued in tl range of $5 million — for the coi version of the 25,950-dwt bulk/coi tainership Southern Dawn to dedicated frozen orange juice carr er. The vessel was scheduled 1 arrive in Bremerhaven during tl second week of August and we slated to stay at the yard fc approximately 55 days. The twelve 1,100-tons stainles steel tanks are being built b Holvrieka (Holland); this order i being done directly between th owner and Holvrieka. It is understood that the convei sion project will cost about $8 mii lion. Norway's Mjellem i Karlsen's Laksevag Verft, Berger has been awarded the refurbish ment and upgrading contract fo the world's oldest sailing vessel c its kind — the 305-ft. (93-mJ three-masted Statsraai Lehmkuhl. The upgrade includes fitting j new steel deck on the half deck and renewal of 75-mm thick dec! on top of the steel deck, as well ai renewal and upgrade of naviga tional aids, radio stations, inter com systems, fire protection equip ment, safety stations, mair switchboards and all cabling wit! terminal and switch panels, new ventilation and new cabin furni- ture. The work will also include restoration of staterooms, new deck offices, sanitary piping, FW< piping, as well as renovation ol Mesan Mast with stays and fit- tings, upgrade of the EO-class engine room. The ship is expected to enter the Laksevag yard around the first week of October and will be rede- livered by the end of January 1998. Rumors are mounting that AESA's Astander Shipyard will change hands, possibly linking the state-owned ship repairer with fel- low Spanish company Union Naval de Levante (UNL), the country's largest private shipbuilding and repair group, which has facilities at Valencia (shipbuilding) and Barcelona (ship/repair). However, a spokesperson for UNL has intensified the Astandei yard. Speculation concerning the future of the facility has beer heightened by a decision to remove Astander from the conversion mar ket as part of a broader agreemem The West's Largest Barge Builder • Custom Vessel Design and Engineering. • Competitive Pricing. • 200 Ton Crane Service. GUNDERSON GREENBRIER 1INC. COMPANY 4350 NW Front Ave. / Portland, OR 97210 503-228-9281 Circle 260 on Reader Service Card SHIP-REPAIR, SHIP-BUILDING, MARINE EQUIPMENTS bi 3 jgjM * 115.000 dwt Shuttle Oil Tanker 3,500 kw Z-drive Tug LMIEC Fully-enclosed Life-boat Our corporation is engaged in export of various ships, diesel engines, marine equipments, etc. It has built many oil tankers and freighters for the ship- ping companies for Sweden, Norway, America, etc., using modern advanced technol- ogy in ship designing and building. It is also handling export of big power marine diesel en- gines with cylinder bore 50,60,70,80,90 cm of MC/ MCE series-one of the most advanced low-speed and big power diesel engines in the world, adopting design con- cept and technique of ad- vanced marine main engine. It also undertakes building various fishing boats, life- boats, petroleum drilling plat- forms, ship projects, anchor, anchor chains, marine valves, marine equipments, spare parts, etc. LIAONING LIMENG (GROUP) CO., LTD. LIAONING MACHINERY IMPORT & EXPORT CORP. No.3, Minzhu Square, Dalian, China Telex: 86157 DCMC CN Fax: 0086-411-2637195 Liaison: Song Jun Circle 287 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News