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DOES MANAGING YOUR FLEET HAVE YOUR PROFITS TIED UP IN KNOTS? MMS systems maximize profits, minimize expenses and give you a competitive edge. Fleet Manager Enterprise for Windows consolidates fleet information, combining inventory, maintenance, communications, personnel and regulatory compliance systems across your fleet. Change a database and it will update all of your ship and shore systems. Look up the inventory on your ships and place bulk orders for discounts of up to 20%. Create all of the necessary reports for ISM and other inspections quickly and easily. Analyze the data of all of your vessels against each other or financial and operational standards. Our customers join us annually at our user conference to discuss how they have reduced downtime up to 75%, cut communications costs up to 80%, and saved millions of dollars. You're invited. MMS Marine Management Systems, Inc. 470 West Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902 +1 (203) 327-6404 fax +1 (203) 967-2927 Communications • Maintenance • Compliance • Crew Reporting • Inventory • Purchasing • Cargo Loading Circle 302 on Reader Service Card