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CANADIAN MARITIME REVIEW situation of the spill emergency and provides the operator with a prioritized action list and associated informations appropriate to the cir- cumstances. Simpson Power Products Simpson Power Products distributes Mitsubishi engines throughout the Western Hemisphere. Its products include Mitsubishi- SIMPOWER marine propulsion systems and marine generator systems. Stone Marine Canada Celebrating 30 years of service to the North American marine industry, Stone Marine Canada manufactures propellers and blades. Among its customers are the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. Stone Marine also offers sales and repair services for propellers and blades. Stikeman Elliot Stikeman Elliot is a law partnership offering corporate, litigation, securities, shipping trans- actions and taxation services in the areas of insurance, the environment, energy, products liability, maritime and international trade mat- ters. Shipping and insurance matters are han- dled primarily from the Montreal office, and the firm has the capacity to handle maritime litigation throughout the country. GTR Campbell Marine Consultants GTR Campbell Marine Consultants are involved in the design of geared, handy-sized, multi-purpose cargo vessels and bulk carriers, capable of entering secondary ports where water depth is limited and cargo handling facil- ities are basic or even non-existent. The firm's latest design is a 28,000-dwt multi-purpose cargo ship. So far, GTR says three of these ships have been delivered and there are anoth- er seven on order. Applied High Technology Corp. Applied High Technology (AHT) Corp. devel- ops and markets SIMSMART, a physics-based Dynamic Simulation Software that shows how fluid, high pressure gas and HVAC systems will behave in real-time and in real environments. It may be used from the preliminary engineer- ing phase of a project to the detailed design, optimization, and training through the on- going lifecycle management phase. The SIMSMART user can create designs using the objects from the libraries, set new parameters for different objects, place data on the simulation screen for visualization, save multiple base lines for future recall, accumu- late data over time to compare relationships between computed data, and interface the sim- ulation to most external systems or software September, 1997 packages. SIMSMART is now available on Windows NT. Brookdale International Systems Inc. Brookdale International Systems Inc.'s patented EVAC-U8 combines a DuPont Kapton hood resistant to transient flames and a carbon monoxide capable air filter to protect people against toxic smoke while evacuating from fire, chemical or other emergencies in homes, offices, factories, hospitals, aircraft, and marine vessels. Used by the Canadian Coast Guard, cruise ships, fishing fleets, and commercial air- line passengers and crew, EVAC-U8 has won three international product awards. United Marine Communications Inc. United Marine Communications Inc. is a manufacturer of marine interior communica- tions systems and components for the commer- cial and naval shipbuilding industry. The company specializes in large and small integrated systems involving dial telephone, public address and talkback functions, often NETEC, INC. 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