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CANADIAN MARITIME REVIEW (Continued from page 31) CORETEC Inc. CORETEC Inc., a privately- owned engineering firm, provides professional services in environ- mental and ocean engineering and information technology to national and international clients. Among their primary services are ice and oil spill management and forecast- ing, environmental monitoring, analysis and design of offshore structures, marine hydrodynamics, expert systems and neural net- works, and database management systems. The company's products include the Integrated Information and Forecasting Systems and its Ship Predictor System, which is a marine navigational aid that uti- lizes both artificial intelligence technology and existing ship maneuvering capabilities to enable The Marine Sewage System of Choice Around the World • Compact & Lightweight OMNIPURE'S space saving, fully automatic units treat sewage from 6 to 500 persons allowing discharge in full USCG/IMO compli- 1 Retrofit Solutions OMNIPURE'S process modules are designed to be retrofitted utilizing existing shipboard tanks and are con- figurable to meet existing space and piping require- ments. 1 User Friendly Installation of an OMNIPURE system is sim- ple due to factory pre-wiring. Daily maintenance is mini- mized with no chemicals or biological additives. Sludge removal is also eliminated. 1 Large Complements Multiple units may be con- figured to run in parallel for even larger passenger/crew complements. Custom sys- tems are also available for space sensitive retrofits. Bcceltec Exceltec International Corporation (Formerly ELTECH International Corporation) 1110 Industrial Boulevard Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Telephone: (281) 240-6770 Fax: (281) 240-6762 Marine Sewage Treatment From The Market Leader The Model 15MX Process Module treats blackwater waste for a complement of 500 people (one of 12 standard sizes available) OMNIPURE™ MSD SYSTEMS MARITIME NYLAIMD AS, P.O.Box 130, 4818 Fasrvik, Norway Phone +47 37 08 72 00, Fax +47 37 08 72 90 Your major supplier of diesel engine spare parts Maritime Nyland has for many years been recognized as a leading manufacturer of high quality spares for the most popular range of slow speed marine diesels. Today our range includes: Cylinder liners, cylinder covers, piston crowns and skirts, exhaust valve spindles and seats, plus another 10.000 items of miscellaneous small parts. MARITIME NYLAND the short-term prediction of ship trajectories in confined and restricted waters. Formglas Inc. Specializing in glassfiber rein- forced cast products for interior use, Formglas Inc. manufactures products including Glasfiber Reinforced Gypsum ready for field finishing, QuarryCast prefinished "molded stone", and MetalCast mineral/metal powder brass and bronze castings. International Communication and Navigation Ltd. International Communication and Navigation Ltd. (ICAN) is a system development and integra- tion company primarily involved in the development of Differential Global Positioning Systems (DGPS) and related services, including communications and software development. Included in its list of services are DGPS System design and installation, project management, VHF and MF/HF communications system design and installation, and CCTV security and surveillance systems (land and ship-based), fibre optic based local area network and data communications links, engineering and consulting services, naviga- tion software products, and DGPS performance software. Seaborne Information Technologies Ltd. Seaborne Information Technologies Ltd. is a marine envi- ronmental and informations tech- nology consulting company spe- cializing in offshore oil and gas exploration and development, marine transportation, fisheries, marine search and rescue, defense, pulp and paper, and all levels of government. The company delivers services related to physical oceanography, marine meteorology, marine pollu- tion protection and coastal envi- ronmental issues. In addition to other services, Seaborne distrib- utes and supports SmartMATE, a Windows-based system for imple- menting shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans. This system enables the opera- tor to quickly describe the current Circle 295 on Reader Service Card Circle 247 on Reader Service Card