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Oglebay Norton Buys Self- Unloaders Oglebay Norton Co. has pur- chased 630-ft. (192-m), self- unloading vessels 1VI7V David Z. Norton and M/V Wolverine from GATX Capital Corp. Prior to this deal, Oglebay was operating the vessels under lease agreements which were due to end in 1998 and 1999. The ships carry iron ore, coal and stone on the Great Lakes. MSI To Develop Alaskan Simulation Training Program MarineSafety International (MSI) has reportedly been selected by Alyeska Pipeline Co., British Petroleum and Keystone Shipping Co. to develop and conduct a simu- lation and training program aimed at increasing the safety of tanker operations in Valdez and Prince William Sound, Alaska. The program will involve all of the participants in the area's Vessel Escort and Response Plan (VERP) and will use specific vessel models, geographic databases and custom courseware. GENERA! NOW THE EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER OF EMD A-20 AND AB-21 ALTERNATORS AND REPLACEMENT PARTS. • 50KW TO 7000KW • 600 RPM TO 1800 RPM • STANDARD VOLTAGES TO 13.8 KV • LOW HARMONIC DISTORTION • HEAVY MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY • SEVERE ENVIRONMENT Baylor Designs and Manufacturers Generators for the most demand- ing applications including Prime Power, Stand-by, and Peak Shaving. Baylor Generator Installations include Combat Ships, Drill Rigs, Hospitals, Computer Centers, Military Bases & Industrial Sites. Baylor is now your exclu- sive original equipment manufac- turer offering Baylor, EMD, DELCO, and IEC AC generators 50 - 7000KW and replacement parts. GENERATOR/MOTOR GROUP Tel: 281-240-9444 • 1-800-531-6065 • Fax: 281-240-5074 • • 500 Industrial Blvd. • Sugar Land, Texas 77478 \ An ISO 9001 Certified Manufacturer J Circle 220 on Reader Service Card HULLFORM DESIGN STRUCTURAL DESIGN STABILITY/HYDROSTATICS RESISTANCE/POWERING CALL TODAY TO LEARN HOW FLAGSHIP CAN IMPROVE YOUR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. I RROTEUS ENGINEERING PEKCHPTTDOKl' is PROJECT MANAGEMENT A Fully Integrated Software System Estimating --Integrated Scheduling --Labor Management Material Management ^PAR A S S O C I AT E S, INC. 927 West Street Annapolis. MD 21401 USA (410) 263-8593 FAX (410) 267-0503 MariSTEP Project Team Completes First Work Phase A consortium of leading U.S. shipyards and CAD systems devel- opers has successfully completed the initial phase of a three-year project which aims to produce the first ship model product transla- tors. Prototype STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) translators will enable ship- yards and designers to exchange detailed ship design information between dissimilar design sys- tems. The project is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and falls under the Maritech program. AmClyde Wins Wilmington Crane Contract AmClyde Engineered Products, Inc. won a contract valued at approximately $3.7 million from the North Carolina State Port Authority to supply one model LSB-10 gantry mounted crane to the Port of Wilmington by early 1998. The machine will feature a lifting capacity of 100 short tons on the main hook and 25 tons on the auxiliary hook. Bouygues Offshore To Supply FPSO Topsides Bouygues Offshore said that its joint venture with Fluor Daniel B.V. signed a turnkey contract with Bluewater for the supply of topsides for FPSO Bleo Holm. Bouygues Offshore subsidiary UiE Scotland Ltd. will carry out the $75 million portion of the contract which calls for engineering, pro- curement, construction, installa- tion and commissioning of the top- sides. Navy League Honors Lott Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) was recently recog- nized for his role in ensuring the passage of the Maritime Security Act of 1996 by the Navy League, which presented him with its Vincent T. Hirsch Maritime Award. "I'm very close to the Navy, and I appreciate and support a strong merchant fleet so essential to our security and peace around the world ... I will always support an American fleet," said Lott at a cer- emony held in the Russell Senate Office Building, which was report- edly attended by 120 people. MANEUVERING MANUFACTURING PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Data Courtesy of Rodriguez Engineering. s.rj. flagship Ship design software for the professional/"1 FASTSH1P ™ MAESTRO GHS ™ NAVCAD™ AGILESHIP SHIPMOPC SHIPCAM ™ PERCEPTION® Proteus Engineering 301 Pier One Road, Suite 200 Stevensville. MD 21666 USA tel +(410) 643-7496 fax +(410) 643-7535 email: Circle 219 on Reader Service Card July, 1997 Circle 326 on Reader Service Card