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KSW Helps Speed Cargo Along Automatic Seaborne Pallet Handling (ASPH) from Germany's KSW is a unique hold concepAfd reefer vessels, applicable fr barges to fast vessels, as we traditional ocean liners. The ves^1 sel is basically an empty hull with a closed weather deck, where tra- ditional tween decks and gratings are replac^fi by a compact pallet storage^ySrem. Irol^Bji^tem* allows automatic roadink 'awC discharge under full ^^fher protection, and the han- k "ling capacity is 500 pallets an hour. For more information from KSW Circle 40 on Reader Service Card IMG Contracted For Scandinavian Yard Upgrade IMG has received a contract^ to modify an existing 12-m paa®l l1 from a Scandinavian IMG is to supply special welding sjSWli WJlng patented CLOOS twin \andem wire heads. The contract calls for Power Transmission Systems for Applications RENK is worldwide re- nowned as a leading manu- facturer of gears, couplings and slide bearings for • Merchant vessels with single- and multi-engine propulsion units • Cruise vessels with lo' noise gear units for an' propulsion system and a large range of voyai speeds and • Fast ferries a with light-wi for conventf jet proj • Naval vessels with ex- tremely noise-optimized gear units for any propulsion system • Systems for on-board er supply by the ^engines nits 'ater- RENK AG Gogginger StralBe 73 D-86159 Augsburg Telephone (0)821/5700-270 Telefax (0)821/5700-559 Werk Rheine Rodder Damm 170 D-48432 Rheine Telephone (0)5971/790-317 Telefax (0)5971/790-208 Circle 239 on Reader Service Card 86 is a member of the IAN group, one of the lead- ing suppliers of capital goods in Europe and your reliable partner to satisfy any require- ment. Our representatives are available to you in all important world markets. Contact us for your optimum solution. SERCK -scoria The Water Maker Makers Investment in Quality Thermal Desalination by Means of : • Submerged Tube Evaporators (STE) • Rising Film Evaporators (RFE) • Multiple Effect Evaporators • Single Staf Evapou MurfVStaa\Flash kplrj^rs (MSF) rur Compression Tporators (VCE) SERCK COMO GmbH Pankower Strasse 16 D-21502 Geesthacht Tel.: ++49-41 52-805-0 Fax: ++49-41 52-8051 05 Circle 275 on Reader Service Card Innovative Technology for the Workboat Industry sses, capstans, mooring systems INTERCONTINENTAL ENGINEERING • MANUFACTURING CORPORATION P.O. Box 9055 KansasCity, Missouri 64168 Phone 816-741-0700 FAX 816-741-5232 a welding speed of 1.6 m per minute, welding primed profile sections. w results have achieve^ a 1.81 m per minute lies with primer ^achieved a 2.2 m per 'speed. For more information on IMG Circle 39 on Reader Service Card Deerberg Systems Deerberg Systems' color brochure details the company's state-of-the-art multi-purpose waste manage- ment systems. During the pas 15 years, ^^je companjQbfld it] lany p sophies and technologies for shipborne waste treatment. The brochure includes a complete passenger ves- sel reference. For a copy of the brochure Circle 43 on Reader Service Card Lloyd Werft Lloyd Werft's booklet details not only the company's vast repair and con- v e r s i o resources also its tory.( " n^com- rounts 'of the Id's marquee ships as its clients, including QE2 and S.S. Norway. For a copy of the brochure Circle 44 on Reader Service Card MiiTec The company is small, but very active, and has gained an excellent repu tation th out LIST MuTec Circle 291 on Reader Service Card sflti^sjJecially thMJensor sys- tem LIST, in special applica- tions. For a copy of the brochure Circle 45 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News