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Flensburger, SVA To Devise Optimal Containership Hull Form In collaboration with Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG), SVA recently performed a ship form opti- mization for a containership. FSG reg- ularly uses advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology to provide optimal ship forms and main- tain maximum design advantages. The aim of this project was to reduce tot; resistance without decreasing tH number of transported containers. In this project, many potential flow calculations were performed and many bulb forms were investigated using a bulb optimization program. The length, the cross section area and the height of bulb nose was^widely varied. After the opti^Ktakbull^^s found, the ship form with ^J^Jnginal and the final Jrtt^gljlftps wkre computed using th SVA's Shipflow pro- le calculated free surface, resistance and pressure distribu- 5n were used to improve the fore and aft part of the hull. During different stages of the project, more than five dif- ferent versions of the hull form were developed based on the numerical results. The comparison of obtained wave patterns for the original form and one of the improved versions gives an explanation for the reduction of wave- making resistance. The end result is that the bow wave is slightly lower for the final shape, and the wave troughs at the forward perpendicular have almost disappeared. For more information on SVA Circle 35 on Reader Service Card Priiftechnik Helps Eliminate Shaft Misalignments The Optalign Plus laser optical shaft alignment system from Priiftechnik is a robust tool used to apHTP^e accurate alignments in a coj*jp»abl^hort time. The system is dmsifb^^f) handle real- world alignmejjin^plems, like gross misalignmeim^ h/uted shaft rotation and couoJPr?ig\Wrcklash. It also gener- atesalmVjflpt reports automatically to 9000 requirements. The larg^sfaphic display is designed to clefmy show the alignment condition at the coupling and at the machine feet. Windows-based PC support allows alignment job setup. For more information on the system Circle 37 on Reader Service Card Krupp Fordertechnik Equips New Russian Port Service Motoren- The government of tt Federation is having a new J Ust-Luga on the Gulf i first sub-project will bd ussian uiilt at . The a coal terminal to handlrfapMteiAately eight million tons / c«ly year. Krupp Fordert«c|njk wiirje advising the com- pany* of the project, RosteVa^eralugol, on planning and project engmeering for the plant as well as equipment supply. For information on the company Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Deutz Refocuses On Core Business Big changes have been intro- duced not only for Klockner- Humboldt-Deutz AG, but also for the prime mover systems division with indepen- dently operating companies Deutz Motor GmbH, Deutz International GmbH and Werke Mannheim AG. The company is now trading under the name Deutz AG and the new name clearly expresses the corporate mission to a concentrate on the core business of diesel and gas engines. For that purpose, the internationally known product name Deutz was chosen as the name for the comngnv, which is involved in the internltionSd engine business with a powers from 4.5 to The process includes the yatsgrxtiuT^f the previous- ly indepdfidaffit <»mpanies Deutz Motor Service International GrftbH the new Deutz AG. Mot^P3|-Werke Mannheim AG and the MWltr Diesel und Gastechnik GmbH will remain independent companies. To strengthen the Deutz MWM engine business, Holger Heinrich, until now in charge of the gas technology busi- ness, has been appointed universal agent of Motoren-Werke Mannheimm AG. For more information on Deutz AG Circle 42 on Reader Service Card ZF Focuses On Fluid Technology 1995 Marine & Offshore Equipment Turnover (by German States) Saarhnd S achsen-A nhalt N Edeisachsen R heiifend-P fe2z B iBm en M eckfenbuig-Vo ipom m em N o idiheii-W estfaten B ayem H am buig S chtesw o Isteii B aden-W urttem beig 115.3 f. - 10 15 Gear maker ZF's corpo- rate research and devel- opment team is reported- ly breaking new ground in the field of lubricants by quantitatively ing particle size distribu- tion in sen^TVnllsluyng an optfcar lii®|osrope ajP^ jin@ Analysis. Tilt that the fluicNgrease manufactur- ing process can be checked and controlled. For more information on ZF Circle 34 on Reader Serv. Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News