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sjmog, ' With NAVPACjfTXa gfencent your reference position isMU iltales~yvnd«ie compact, PC-based Atn^Slatifn lives to design, tailor, and • jwWke y±ir ra|j|(rwith text information (including V/ttticeV) Nkmer information). Trust your final approach to NAVPACK™ Call today, or visit our Web Site for a FREE Demo! Phone: (860) 349-3800 ES Fax:(860)349-1982 COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHICS, INC. 11-G Old Indian Trail Middlefield. CT 06455 Portability. Precision. Performance. from COASTAL OCEANOGRAPHICS *ACKr: The next generation in navigation. NAVPACK™ gives you: • Precise navigation and docking operations with digitized Vector Data charts in a real-time environment. • Split-screen capability and vector accuracy to centimeters with the touch of a button. • Lightning-fast screen updates. • CM-93, DXF, DGN, DGW, and S57 / DX90 chart compatibility. • The flexibility to interface with most navigation devices. i41'18.105,N 072°0*.788'W 354.r 12.50 KN Circle 315 on Reader Service Card C-Map Releases Enhanced Product C-MAP released its latest elec- tronic chart database, C-MAPNT. The database was dSFhted from CM-93, C-MAP'^S^A/ class w^s "designed database, accordingi Hydri sta C cernational )rganization's lectronic charts. JT'S depth, intertidal and r^sErTcted areas on nautical charts can be displayed in colors and gray scales or in wallpaper fill for monochrome systems. For more information on C-MAP Circle 109 on Reader Service Card Station 12 Station 12, a subsSiaH of PTT Telecom, recentll^!*afc(g(ffated its Altus servic^BMjg^rsat Mini-M satellite VjAjj^Hiications. The fcriWdes portable voice, fax communications to AltuiT terminals using spot-beams Marnet Project Attains Approval Marnet aims to create the world's first, multi-regional, real time logistics netwcgfl|_ garnet Project is a plan dAjimMtyspeed up cargo tiMK Braigh ports and suppA KoH»ring service by meansAf mjwjrmatia^l fietwork. appturi iTy Euromar a#d will cul- min^e in tha AwKfljrrLg of a work- ing prototyplr^aFe Lisbon Expo in 1998. For more information on Marnet Circle 111 on Reader Service Card BMT Launches Maneuvering Simulator BMT has introduced a new ver- sion of its Rembrandt real-time maneuvering simulator. Running on Windows 95 or Windows NT, the PC Rembrandt has a graphical user inter- Sarataria Cnfting Company, 3nc. COMPUTER LOFTING AND NC PLATE CUTTING The Perfect Combination To ln«r€3Se Productivity ADVANTAGES - 1 • NC Plate CuttingyrTminlfeswie lalor intensive manual meUiods V"Nling |Jate parts • Greater ^cVracy of parts reouces man-hours involved with fttTtagiao® welding • Tota\epeatabilit/ results in a better learning curve \at compounds savings in series construction * SERVICES PROVIDED - • Lines Fairing • Lofted Offsets • CAD Drawings (compliment your drafting effort with lofted contours) • Code for NC Burning Machine • Production related data (reports tailored to your specific needs) • Arrangements for cutting FINALLY, A COST EFFECTIVE WAY TO ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, PREVIOUSLY RESERVED FOR THE LARGER OPERATIONS. Phone/Fax: (504) 340-5859 1616 Barataria Blvd., Ste. 4 • Marrero, LA 70072 FAST® MARINE SE After 20 years of development, to< twice the rated 1,500 FAST FAST units ari draft policy wh STEMS have more than , nearly all of the still in everyday service. sordance with the most recent USCG bhibits dilution as a substitute for treatment. 80 Circle 347 on Reader Service Card PACE® OIL/WATER SEPARATORS PACE is the only certified bilge separator that breaks chemical emulsions. We provide long-term engineering assistance to our customers from this office at no charge. Call or fax us at: FAST® SYSTEMS 3240 North Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63147-3515, U.S.A. Tel: 314-621-2536 Fax: 314-621-1952 Alan Fleischer, President - Al Spaete, Sales & Service Manager Circle 226 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News HX255S n micro- scan- scanning; NOAA alert; and a battery-saver circuit. For more information on Standard Circle 108 on Reader Service Card from Inmarsat's latest generation of satellites. Station 12 has made three subscription packages avail- able — Altus Traveller, Voyager and Office — to meet different user needs. For more information on Station 12 Circle 110 on Reader Service Card