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self-diagnos- custom set- downloading of new rare from serial ports. For more information on Reson i Circle 66 on Reader Service Card Sea Inc. Offers New Sat Com System Sea Inc. has introduced the SEASAT 2, an Inmarsat-C satellite communications system that pro- vides data and fax communica- tions. The SEASAT 2 connects to a PC and printer ports and to ment via systapff\"epor ly BR ISLAND 232 equip- terface. The complies with ttjfifatesatfxMDSS regulations and ^eaaA-es a two-stage alarm dis- tribution. For more information on Sea Inc. Circle 71 on Reader Service Card Icom Introduces New VHF Transceiver Icom's IC-M59 marine VHF transceiver is available with an optional UX-120 Digital Selective Calling (DSC) to meet U.S. Coast Guard's SC-101 proposal and GMDSS class F requirements. In an emergency, the IC-M59 with DSC automatically trSISmits a continuous call contlininY the time, the vessel's InT'^Khme ves- sel's position. |"*V J jJEves all U.S., international chan- res a weather alert automatically locks emergency weather broadcast signals. For more information on Icom Circle 67 on Reader Service Card CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION PROBLEMS ? GAUGES & THERMOMETERS NOT WORKING? WE'RE YOUR ONE STOP PROBLEM SHOP.... + FREE ESTIMATE OF REPAIR & CALIBRATION +PROMPT SERVICE + SAME DAY SHIPMENT + WORLDWIDE +LARGE INVENTORY NEW, NEW SURPLUS, & REFURBISHED +BUY, SELL, A TRADE +PNEUMATIC, ELECTRICAL, & DIMENSIONAL +SALES, SERVICE, REPAIR, A CALIBRATION (Traceable NIST- Meets ISO requirements) +GAUGE AND DIAPHRAGM SEAL ASSEMBLIES +SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING +OBSOLETE INSTRUMENTS FOUND OR REPLACED TOLL FREE 888-489-3100 INSTRUMENTS EAST INC. 1037 W. 45th ST., NORFOLK, VA 23508 PHONE (757) 489-31OO FAX (757) 489-4813/ 0802 Circle 292 on Reader Service Card Some familiar lifesavers... ...HERE'S ONE YOU NEED NEARBY. When lives are at stak^the S. may be the greatest^ • Powerful 4Q6MHz w^lifl^ linked to CC S ARS AT *KE^5/^atellite networks • Promi^g^on idjptifi cation and location •ch and Rescue teams L CDN & US Coast Guard approved • Authorized for use by most countries worldwide You need the protection of the SATFIND-406™ Survival EPffiB • DEFINITELY! ALDEN MARINE Division of • " NorthernAiitomeTechnology llQli 28 Lord Road Suite #130 Marlborough MA USA 01752 1-800-225-4767 YourRi 3S Aren't Made OuisAre. 72 Circle 352 on Reader Service Card Working on the water is tough. On your rilkjpijrlSclHBur legs. That's why so many military, laMB!&rceMnt3ld rescue pro- fessionals have aimed to Zodiac® 'fflfflfMN a Zodiac Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB) can takpfl^rauah^jfllfhigh seas, you name it. Unlike conventiona^jrcniull^Kts which can plunge in severe waves, our rugapi aeeolrtiulls wim a surrounding inflatable collar absorb the shpckjhd com^alongside any boat to provide assistance or take on c«wdnes^ In other words, our RIBS are built to take a beating, so yours won't. Check out a Zodiac today. MOHACy For information, contact Zodiac of North America PO Box 400, Stevensville, MP 21666 410.643.4141 Fax 410.643.4491 Circle 201 on Reader Service Card Nobeltec Plans Release Of NavTrek 97 Nobeltec Corp. * release NavTrel^9i.The ^urth versionjpf it^ flagshyW^gation softwaJeVacMyrCTirfEnhanced fea- tures f^ravTi\k 97 include: a CfcrnpeUp \iart display; support folrB® chart CD-ROMs; and inlaopyand export capabilities to and from other charting systems. For more information on NavTrek 97 Circle 70 on Reader Service Card ACR Satellite EPIRB Sports Compact Design A C R ' s Satellite 406 EPIRB is reported- ly the smallest 406 MHz EPIRB available, capable of transmit- ting at fre- quencies of 121.5 and 243 MHz in addition to the 406 MH^eitter- gency beacon frequejafi^JF^V It automatics^ wtljatesat a depth of JSTL (4/hU a/d is capa- ble of^fcaSxm^ wr more than 48 lyrtfFSk degrees Celsius. ACRy «ass B EPIRBs transmit aia^altaneously on 121.5 MHz (civilian) and 243 MHz (military) search and rescue homing fre- quencies. For more information on ACR Circle 76 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News