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MARITIME 3 ENGLISH GMDSS age Technology ^SXXX Openaiion PKOcedunes Appiiranpns TiSTS 3? differential GPS beacon receiver. The SBR-91 automatically pro- vides data from Coast Guard land- based, radiobeacon correction sig- nals to most GPS receivers. The SBR-91 is fully automatic and operates by locking strongest nal warns users of unusable signals and recognizes Type 1, Type 2 and Type 9 broadcasts for immediate updates. For more information on SI-TEX Circle 62 on Reader Service Card Insist on the best Magnetrons for your Radar... EEV of course! beacon receiver DESIGNED TO FIT ALL MANUFACTURERS RADARS Circle 211 on Reader Service Card Racal Positions Rigs Using Glonass Satellites THE ADVANTAGES ARE EXCEPTIONAL • BETTER PERFORMANCE - LONGER LIFE • 3 YEARS WARRANTY - 50% GREATER THAN OTHER MANUFACTURERS • UNIQUE RIDGED CATHODE ENSURES LONGER LIFE • WORLDWIDE NETWORK OF DISTRIBUTORS AND LOCAL SERVICE AGENTS • DELIVERED FROM STOCK 1.5kW - 25kW in X-Band 5.0kW - 60kW in S-Band • SEND FOR YOUR POCKET BOOK READY REFERENCE GUIDE Free on request! /* N 7 f\ ) Marine Magnetrons USA: EEV Inc, 4 Westchester Plaza, Elmsford NY 10523 Tel: (914) 592 6050 or 'Toll Free' 1-800-DIAL-EEV Fax: (914) 682 8922 Racal Survey successfully posi- tioned the semi-submersible rig Sedco 704 in the North Sea using the Russian GLONASS — positioning system. The performed by behalf of and Produfijjrji Expro). Although tJierelBas/no significant accuracy, up to were constantly visi- blfO?rU^iding greater reliability in restricted areas. For more information on Racal Survey Circle 68 on Reader Service Card Datainstrument AS Subsidiary of the General Electric Company pic of England &GC Datainstrument AS has intro- duced Mipeg 2000, an electronic load indicator and crane monitor- ing system designed to provide crane operators withr the neces- sary information tc/meet world- wide government/Inurements for crane safejjsJpFe system com- prises fcjSH^ Overturning and ar^fle\®ffi^fs with a micro com- pute»4hat calculates the sensor dat^jpid provides an image of the crane's utilization on the opera- tor's display. For more information on Datainstrument Circle 102 on Reader Service Card 72 Maritime Reporter/Engineering Nd . BlNDl* fURUNO ' GINV ... and there's many more to suit every application! P.O. BOX 3314, S-103 66 Stockholm, Sweden, Phone: +46-8-791 83 60, Fax: +46-8-791 82 88, E-mail: Circle 223 on Reader Service Card Safer Communications at Sea Computer based GMDSS and Maritime English training on CD-ROM Individual on-board education and training Perfect refresher tool to maintain your skills ^ < - _ 1 Tests and individual log-book included iVAclrl LllTlc JZLQUCcl LlO!! msn n &5S&20