Marine Electronics & Satcom Review 1 lummui iuma
EGS And C&C Form Strategic Inmarsat Improves Distress
Alliance System
Hong Kong-based Electronic &
Geophysical Service (EGS) and U.S.-
based C&C Technologies Inc. have
formed an alliance that will provide
EGS with advanced swath mapping
technology and extencrits\existing
subsea survey capabJJiftLltt^ill ocean
will be
director of EGS,
feonfiR^lities include devel-
Bs in submarine telecom-
power cable route plan-
surveys, pre-engineering
studies for submarine pipeline route
selection and offshore hydrocarbon
infrastructure development.
For more information on EGS
Circle 50 on Reader Service Card
Sperry To Jointly Market
Infrared Imaging System
Litton-Sperry Marine Inc. and
Enhanced Vision Systems have signed
an exclusive marketing agreement for
the worldwide distribution of the
Advanced Marijpne\^frared Imaging
System (AMlSSfe Developed by
Enhanced^^Tkpifm Systems, the
AMIRIft inya^d imager is designed
to ennaffc^safety and navigation at
roviding ship operators with
through salt spray, fog, high
lity and darkness. Used as a
complement to radars, the AMIRIS
measures temperature differences to a
fraction of a degree and displays
images of the ships' exteriors inside
the ships' bridges. .
For more information on Sperry
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card
UKHO Produces First Official
Electronic Chart
The United Kingdom Hydrographic
Office (UKHO) has prodjus^dits first
official Electronic Chart (EMC) that
complies with^3^jj7|Eckioir 3 stan-
dards^ its raster-
based^M^Tcl^B^Ie available for use
in Rast^^^jniEtf-t Display Systems
(RCDS), Vid is currently developing
the vector-based ENC for use in
Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems (ECDIS).
For more information on UKHO
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
The Inmarsat-E satellite distress
alerting system combin^Jhe position
determination of Gldbal^ositioning
Systems (GPS) witfrfL* geostationary
satellite tecbn3bgf>^f the Inmarsat
communiiytsJnVs^ems. Inmarsat-E
reportdCUj^ipfiyed to be 100 percent
reliaVe lnwWwering a distress mes-
sage jfatl^y two minutes of an initial
alert \ Inmarsat-E Land Earth
Stations (LES).
For more information on Inmarsat
Circle 54 on Reader Service Card
EMS Secures Several Contracts
Electronic Marine Systems (EMS)
has been selected by the inland river
division of Sea River Maritime in
Baton Rouge, La., to develop ajfcialand
river navigation system emf)loyinjjf the
EMS AuditedRtowrCataVBs^e and
EMS afo^ed^jy^S^dfem. EMS
has alss bpm jj6nlra^ed by Arco to
pr(^?dey"Ka^Lga\)r DGPS and by the
Pana^TK Canal Commission's
Dredging Division to provide a dredge
automation system.
For more information on EMS
Circle 55 on Reader Service Card
Aanderaa Instruments
Aanderaa Instruments has released
the Datalogger 3660, a low power,
lightweight and watertight field oper-
ating device for displaying ^ldsraring
data. The unit is suited for \eld