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jyshire To Supply raft Inflation Valves To Agencies erbyshire Machine & Tool Co. 3 reportedly been named as the w supplier of pneumatic infla- m valves for all U.S. oast Guard 25- rafts. Desi .ccordanc Warfare 1 Division specifications, 'valve operates with 5000 psi inflation cylinders meeting MIL- C-24604, Type II, or the equiva- lent. For more information on Derbyshire Circle 9 on Reader Service Card Geoteam-Wimpol Ac< Advanced Survey Ship ires An advanced sur^fy vessel for worldwide deepwaier operations has been acquired by Geoteam- Wimpol Ltd., part of the Fugro Group. Dubbed Geo Prospector, the 238.1 ft. (72.6 m) long vessel has a cruising speed of 16 knots. The vessel is equipped to support exploration by pinpointing shal- low deposits of gas that could prove hgbardous to drilling opera- tions. fceo Prospector will also undertake pipeline route studies and site sVrvews of the seabed and underlyina sldiments to provide engineering fata for the installa- tion of fixedVtructures and subsea productioryiVcilities. Built iry 1£V0 and converted in 1989, ^17-| poweyd by t" cylinder Deut: Es^er Wyss ller. High seismic survi Geo Prospector is o 1,295-kW, eight- diesels driving an riable pitch pro- solution digital equipment includes a 240-chVnnel streamer and 12-channel recorder. For seabed surveys, a Smirad multi- beam echo sounder wrth 5,000 m depth capability is usted, along with a single beam souMer, side scan sonar and single Vhannel profilers. Geo Prospector is based in Aberdeen, Scotland, and joins Fugro European/African ships Geo Scanner, Geo Searcher, Geo Surveyor and Red Fulmar. European Commission investigates possible misuse of shipbuilding aid The European Commission has decidec^D initiate a procedure concerning the possible misuse of previously appraised aid to Indonesia in relation to the purchase of three dredgete con%\aoi\ed at the German yard, Volkswerft Stralsund. At this stage, the ^ramission considers that the manner in which these dredgers are being explaifad do not comply with the approval given by the Commission which emphasized that the vessels were exclusively of domestic use in \n6ones\jir In 1994Mie Commission approved a develop- ment aid which was \o/ze granted to Indonesia in relation to a purchase of three dredgers constricted at VolkswerftNstralsund. When the Commission approved the a\6Jn was emphasized thatVie vessels were exclusively of domestic use in Jndonesia (see IP/94/365). \n a letter from the European Dredging Association (EuDA), the Commission was informed that the dredgers w^re used outside Indonesian waters. Subsequently, the Commission requested the GerrriScguthorities to pro- vide a series of precise answers concerning the operation of these vessels. In the light of the answer given by the German Government, the Commission at this stage considers that the manner in which these dredgers are being exploited do not comply with the approval given by the Commission and has therefore decided to open a procedure in this case. Iltoicts for the fe competition »fspffoni Increase the length of the 120 foot boat by more than 13 feet, and still bring it in at under 100 gross tons? Impossible, they said. Well, at Service Marin's Industries, impossible problems just make our engineering team grin. SMI attacked the problem with a vengeance, and emerged with a solution that had everyone smiling. The conversion and sea trials went exactly according to plan, with the vessel meeting all U.S. Coast Guard requirements. Service Marine Industries 6887 Highway 90 • Gibson, Louisiana 70356 Telephone: (504) 631-0511 • Fax: (504) 631-0036 So, next time you've got an impossible problem, do your part to make our engineers happy. Challenge us! Stop by the SMI Booth #6487 at the OTC Circle 234 on Reader Service Card