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It's FREE to attend the Keynote Address and Exposition! For a Complimentary Pass to LL!JLJLLMI these functions, or a full registration form to lil il-l'f- tfi'r S3 the Technical Congress and Users ^TQHIHH Symposium, contact ASME International Gas m Turbine Institute at Tel: 01-404-847-0072; Fax: 01-404-847-0151; or download forms JLI^^mSb ^rom our website: MW ROLLS-ROYCE GmbH AEROENGINES, OBERURSEL, GERMANY fe 369 on Reader Service Card BR710 ENGINE, I0T0GRAI S ASME International Join ASME at TURBO EXPO '97 - attracting the highest quality participants in marine propulsion from Industry, Government and Academia. ASME is the name you respect most to deliver the finest technical programs available on topics of interest to you since The expanded j^rogranltoulj^ind at ASME TURBO EXPO hi has made the Congress, Gas TuEbufle Users Symposium and the Ex^osiboi^lhe most relevant international techmbal forum for all industries using gas tutbine technology. As a non-profit association, ASME reinvests all proceeds from ASME TURBO EXPO back into your industry in the form of engineering fellowships, scholarships, technical reports and complimentary publications. mm H6KR1! ASME TURBO EXPO 97-Land The 42nd ASME Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, Expositio June 2 - 5, 1S riandof Florid T^mreC^ty Co m^entiorvi