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Meet discharge standards before you meet the [oast Guard! On The Cover Pictured on this month's cover is the Hibernia platform following the successful mating of its topsides in late February. The progress of the massive Hibernia project is covered in this month's Offshore Business section, starting on page 33. Bilge Boy™ FROM NELSON Two sizes available— 96504 2-1/2 GPM, 96609 7-1/2 GPM Two voltages— 120VAC & 230VAC Economical—best price on the market Call your local distributor or 800-356-6606 for the one closest to you Compact for easy retrofit— 96504 150!lt>s. dry—35" x 28" x 16" 96609 300 lbs. dry—45" x 45 "x 30" Easily installedr- 3 standard pipe connections 1 3-wire electrical hookup Extremely efficient—far below U.S. Coast Guard & IMO 15 ppm discharge requirement Compatible with cleaners—Nelson's own or other recommended cleaners Oil content meter available— U.S. Coast Guard & IMO approved 99971A Bilge Alarm S^iari *I ! ' A •i i ' ' NELSON DIVISION Exhaust & Filtration Systems P.O. Box 428 Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589 Telephone (800) 356-6606 Telefax (608) 873-1532 NELSON Industries, Inc. 8 10 MARINE FINANCE Repossession: When a loan goes bad, getting the ship back is a challenging task. / BON VOYAGE / / Circle 327 on Reader Service Card The cruise industry's fantastic voyage upward shows no signs of slowing, according to the people who buy the ships. — by Bridget Murphy, senior editor FAR EAST UPDATE South Korea confines to win ship orders despite political problems and labor unrest...soft- ening yen lends Japanese builders a boost. — by Alan Thorpe, international editor 33 MATCHMAKER / The crucial mating of Hibernia's topsides with its concrete Gravity Base Structure was recently executed in Canada. / 40 A NEW 320-mm CONTENDER Wartsila has unveiled a new engine with improved power, consumption and reduced componentry to the fiercely competitive engine sector. — by David Tinsley, technical editor 54 REGULATING SAFETY A bevy of regulations, stemming from high-profile loss-of-life incidents, is significantly affecting the maritime equipment supply arena. — by David Tinsley, technical editor 66 MARINE ELECTRONICS & SATCOM REVIEW Updates on some of the industry's premier suppliers of electronic and satellite communi- cations products and services. 82 RELYING ON THE CONSTANT Germany's maritime industry has endured significant consolidations. Through it all, the country's maritime builders and suppliers have stuck with its hallmark: providing techno- logically advanced solutions. / I f &Q0® m tfCCDS 08S0DB 46 SHALLOW DRAFT REVIEW 88 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 90 PROPULSION UPDATE 91 EUROPEAN UPDATE 94 COMPANY A PEOPLE NEWS 105 RECENT SHIP SALES; BUNKER FUEL MONITOR 114 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Subscriptions: One full year (12 issues) SI 8.00 in U.S.; outside of U.S. S96.00 including postage and handling. For subscription information, contact: Dale Barnett, fax: (212) 254-6271. AND ENGINEERING NEWS ISSN-0025-3448 USPS-016-750 No. 4 Vol. 59 118 East 25th Street New York, NY 10010 (212) 477-6700 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any fneans mechanical, photocopying, recording or oth- erwise~w!thout the prior written permission of the publishers. Founder: John J. O'Malley 1905 - 1980 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rates at Waterbury, CT 06701 and additional mailing offices. . - - \ Postmaster send notification--(Form 3579) regarding, undeliverable magazines to Majflime'^eporter/Engineering News, 1\8 East 25th Street, New VoFR, NY 10010. \ Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian- Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 0970700. Printed in U.S.A. Publishers are not responsible for the safekeeping or return of editorial material. © 1996 Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Member 2 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News