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DOCK I NO ROUTE weri consis1 mve: Royal Netherlands Navy Christens Rotterdam February 22. The ship — built by Schelde Shipbuilding — was designed in cooperation with the Spanish Navy, which is having an identical ship built by Bazan in El Fernet"^., Rotterdam is a unique vessel i for the Royal Netner^MdsJ Navy because oiPits tenpmbi- ous capajjti^ties. I Tlre^jwain of the^hiia wilP be to shore VflJ^upport of Approximately The ship is wv^i^v* with an internal dock from which landing craft can be dispatched, and a flight deck for helicopters. The ves- sel is 544 ft. (166 m) long and displaces 12,750 tons. For more information from Schelde Shipbuilding Circle 27 on Reader Service Card ASRY Reports Record Revenue Amphibious transport ship Rotterdam, commissioned by the Royal Netherlands Navy, was to be christened on ASRY reported that it had a successful 1996, achieving record ship repair sales of $89.5 mil- lion, an increase of 21 percent over 1995. Net operating profit rose by 14 percent to $9.7 mil- lion, and net profit more than doubled to $3.4 million. In all, the yard repaired 131 vessels, of — docked. Of thes
lfi4syessels were medium-s^ed vessels, of tankeri OBOs." ASRY reportedly start in the coi^f^rsiQn JKarlcS^jpith the _ vessel for Taggert, ssel for Red Band, The yard is cur more FSO and Jurupi Petroi 140,0 FSO v seeking and seawater piping. A more expensive) longer term project includes the^dyedging of a chanr and the creation of new piers suitable for cor version work and new land installations. For more information on ASRY Circle 28 on Reader Service Card Aries SB, a • in i : bulk carrier, fs floating docks. KELVIN H IUGHES tanker conversions prioj the FPSO converse Expansjj increase thar to more The new berilis VII AtaJ^anged alongside the V,vol\ia