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MARINE FINANCE — CONTRACTS Now presenting the best way to see if THE COAST IS CLEAR. For the thousands of people who work, live and play on the water, life has just gotten a lot safer. NightSight takes the danger out of navigating at night by letting you clearly see people, ships and obstacles from up to 2400 feet away — or twice as far as the previous generation. Call us at NIGHTSIGHT Thermal Imaging Solutions 1-800-681-8850 (U.S.) or 972-995-7511 (Int.) and see what you ve been missing. Tl NIGHTSIGHT. BETTER BY FAR. Singmarine Clinches $12 M Contract On Feb. 3, Singmarine Industries Ltd., to be renamed Keppel Marine^ Industries Ltd., announceji-^th^ award of a $12 million nj^wbuiV ing contract from repeat custoj/elj PT Freeport of Indonesia. Subsidiary Singmarine Dockyard and Engineering Pte. Ltd. will reportedly construct a\5,000-dwt copper concentrate, sel^unloading barge whichiA expected to be com- pletedvik the,>e6ond quarter of lOther instruction work current- ly\mderway at the yard includes an 8,000-dwt self-unloading coal/oil barge and two, 5,000-bhp pusher tugs, both for PT Freeport. Other contracts include two coastal tankers for FT Everand & Sons and two harbor tugs for Keppel Smit Towage Pte. Ltd. In addition, a supply training vessel was recently delivered to the United Arab Emirates' Lamnalco Ltd. For more information on Singmarine Circle 92 on Reader Service Card Kockums Announces Tribon Contracts Massachusetts Heavy Industries, Inc., a new commercial shipyard in Boston's South Shore city of Quincy, has reportedly purchased the initial design, hull, work preparation, complete outfitting ^jplife^ons df Kockums' German owner Rickmers has reportedly decided to outfit its lat- est series of 2,200-TEU container- ships — six in all, which are build- ing at China Shipbuilding Corp. — with dual MAN B&W 7S70MC diesels as main propulsion units and dual 5L28/32H auxiliary engines. Each 668-ton main engine has a 70-cm bore and wjiL yield 20,880 kW at 95 rpm, Both the main and gLUxilidEy angines ^ btnH/by^icenffefe Hyundai Industries in Kor^a. atlflitj^fcr""'^ Litton-Sperrj s contracted to its Vision 2100 integrated sys^ffi fof"T^ie ship jserie§. fhe pri^cjpaL equipiapnt^BcheSulea for installation 4jiClucfes the Sperry Voyages-Management System VT containing a navigation station/ECDIS, ARPA radars, gyrocompass, autopilot and steer- ing control system and dual-axis speed log. For more information on MAN B&W Diesel Circle 94 on Reader Service Card / For more information on Sperry Circle 95 on Reader Service Care^^" Fincantieri Newbuilds Will Feature GE Turbines Four GE LM2500 aeroderivative gas turbines have been ordered for use on two MDV 3000 fast ferries building in Italy in Fincantieri for Tirrenia Lines in Naples. The two Circle 305 on Reader Service Card jutnpr /Lr|bpn fcoijtracts were Korea's Industrial Co. , Hitachi Zosen Singapore Ltd. and Netherlands- based Van Dam Marine Contracting B.V. For more information on Kockums Circle 93 on Reader Service Card MAN B&W Engines, Sperry IBS Specified For Containership Series Maritime Reporter/Engineering News