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CALENDAR The Ambassador West Hotel, Chicago, III. Contact: Arthur G. Killinger, MPR Associates, Inc., 320 King St., Alexandria, Va. 223-14- 3238, tel: (703) 519-0200; fax: (703) 0224. SNAME Joint Sections Meeting: Ferries and RoRo Cargo Ships: June 7-9, San Diego, Calif. Contact: Michael E. Dockter, SNAME Publicity chairman, tel: (619) 336-4615; fax: (619) 336- 4616. Nor-Shipping ^ June 10-13/1^97. Contact: Norwegian Trade Fair Foundation, Sjolystsenteret - Sjolyst Exhibition Center, P.O. Box 130 Skoyen, N-0212 Oslo, Norway, tel: +47 22 43 91 00; fax: +47 22 43 19 14; e-mail: norges AAPA's Public Relations and Marketing Seminar: June 11-13, Portland Marriott, Portland flcT Eileen Denne, P.R. director, American Association of Port Authorities, 1010 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. 22314, tel: (703) 684-5700; fax: (703) 684-6321, e-mail: Land Earth Stations and Mobile Terminals Since Inmarsat began to offer satellite communications between ships at sea and the international telephone and telex networks more than a decade ago, Nera has been the leading manufacturer of Inmarsat technology. Nera has designed and built nearly forty per cent of all Land Earth Stations in the Inmarsat system. About 8,000 Mobile Earth Stations of the Saturn family have been commissioned on ships and on land. Nera is the world's leading supplier of Inmarsat Land Earth Stations and Mobile Terminals. Saturn - 8,000 units on ships and on land Nera AS Satcom Division Bergerveien 12, P. O. Box 94, N-1361 BILLINGSTAD, Norway Tel.: +47 66 84 47 00. Fax.: +47 66 84 46 21. Telex 71 721 umeb n NERR TELECOMMUNICATIONS Circle 325 on Reader Service Card 18th Duisburg Colloquium in Marine/Ocean Technology: June 12-14, Mercator University, Germany. Contact: I. Schiiler or A. Wittfield, Institute of Ship Technology, Mercator University, Bismarckstr.69, V-47057 Duisburg, tel/fax: +49 203 379 27* Ship Finance Conference: June 24-26, N.Y., N.Y. Contact: Carleen IV Kluss, International Marketing Strategies, Southfield Ave., Stamford, CT 06902, tel: (2^3) 406-0106; fax: (203) 406-0110. JULY 1993 Asia-Pacific Fishing: July 7-lJS, 1997, Cairns, Australia. Contact: Baird Publications! 10 Oxford St., South Yarra 3141, VIC, Altralia, tel: +61 3 9826 8741; fax: +61 3 98^ 0704; or in U.K., 4A Carmelite St., London U24Y OBN, tel: +44 171 353 1085; fax: +44 W1 353 1084. U.S. Navy International Logistics Symposium (NILS): July 14-16, Hyattlegency Crystal City, Arlington, Va. Contact: Sally Cook, American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE), 1452 CLke St., Alexandria, Va. 22314-3458; tel: (7(836-6727; fax: (703) 836-7491. Hunt Design Rendezvous! July 18-20, Fort Adams, Newport, R.I. Contact: C. Raymond Hurt Associates, Inc., 69 Long Wharf, Boston, tf\ 02110, tel: (617) 742-5669; fax: (617) f42-6354; or Sherry Marx, The Museum of#achting, P.O. Box 129, Fort Adams State Pa/, Newport, R.I. 02840, tel: (401) 847-101 ^fax: (401) 847-8320. Fast '97: Fourth mternational Conference On Fast Sea Transportation: July 21-23, 1997, Sydney, Austral Contact: Colference Secretariat, Baird Publications Pt^Ltd., P.O. Box 460, South Yarra 3141, VIC, Auslalia, tel: +61 0 3 9826 8741; fax: +61 0 3 983? 0794. SEPTEMBER 1997 September 1997 [positions, Inc., 163 TX 77006, tel: (713 '29-0936. I Ship Expo (AISE) York Coliseum, New Yor Offshore Europe Aberdeen, Scotland. Contact: International W. Alabama, Houstoi 529-1616; fax: (713) 1997 American September 9-11, Ne' City. Contact: McNabb Ixpositions, Inc., P.O. Bo 418, Rockport, Mcjhe 04856-0418, tel: (20 236-6196; fax: (2d|) 236-0369. World Fishing - Vigo\97: September 17-21 Vigo, Spain. Contact: Nexus Media Ltd.\op Floor, 84 Ke Rd., Richmond, Surrey TW9 |PQ, U.K., tel: + 181 332 9273; fax: +44 332 9335. AAPA's 86th Annual Convention: Septemb 22-26, Marriott at Sawgrass, Jacksonville, Fl Contact: Eileen Denne, P.R. director, Americ Association of Port AuWorities, 1010 Duke S Alexandria, Va. 22314, tel: (703) 684-570 fax: (703) 684-63^, e-mail: aapa@ix.n