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+44 (0) 171 486 1951; fax: +44 (0) 171 486 3773. SASMEX "97: April 29-May 2, Baltimore, I lontact: U.S. Marine Safety A^g^tiation |(USMSA), 1900 Arch St., F^clelphia, Pa. |l 9103-1498, tel: (215) ^^3484; fax: (215) ?63-9785. International Trade Fair for Logistics (LOG '97): \pril 29-hAay^ 1997, Essen, Germany. Zontact: E^fn Trade Shows, 70 W. 36th St., |5te. #60arN.Y„ N.Y. 10018, tel: (212) 356- 3406; f fax: (212) 356-0404; pttp://j^ MAY 1997 ffshore Technology Conference '97: May 5-8, Astrodome U.S^^kComplex, Houston, Texas, lontact: Offshore IBfchnology Conference, P.O. &ox 833868, RichardWi, Texas 75083-3868, si: (214) 952-9494; fa\(214) 952-9435. Managing A Non-Profit Center: May 6, Iniversily of Connecticut Avery Point Campus, proton, CT. [ontact: Coastal StWGies/UCONN Avery Point, (860) 405-JB26; e-mail: coastal@ucon- vm.uconn.edui he Safe Operation of Tankers in Coastal Raters and Approaching Terminals: May 8-9, he Ccfendish Conference Centre, Duchess J\ewsAondon, U.K. lontJct: Jane Hill, Conference manager, The fstjrjte of Petroleum, 61 New Cavendish St., don W1M 8AR, U.K., tel: +44 171 467 b0; fax: +44 171 255 1472. Midwest Section/Indianapolis Chapter Itegfated Product Engineering Forum For laval Ordnance and Electronics: May 13-15, loomingtoiV Indiana Convention Center, loomington, In ontact: Annette G, Verna, American Society of laval Engineers WASNE), 1452 Duke St., Bexandria, Va. 2*314-3458; tel: (703) 836- 727; fax: (703) 8®6-7491. )RA '97 (ThefSecond Int'l Conference on arine Technology): May 13-15, Pomeranian linces' Cast# Szczecin, Poland, bntact: Sue Owen, conference secretariat, [essex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ihurst^outhampton, U.K. S040 7AA, tel: J4 1703 293 223; fax: +44 1703 292 853; naijf + Ferry 97: May 13-15, Olympia 2, on, U.K. |nt|ft: BML Business Meetings Ltd., 2 Station tkmansworth Herts WD3 1QP, U.K., tel: 1^776363; fax: +44 1923 7777206. 197 Trai^nortation, Operations, pnagement And Economics Symposium: hy 14-15, NewYorkXity. Intact: Edward Lewandowski, chairman, IAME Publicity Commjtee, tel: (201) 216- 112. •PA's Facilities Engineering Seminar: May 123, Omni Watersidfe Hotel, Norfolk, Va. jitact: Eileen Dendl, P.R. director, American |ociation of Port^uthorities, 1010 Duke St., xandria, Vy?2314, tel: (703) 684-5700; jril, 1997 fax: (703) 684-6321, e-mail: JUNE 1997 Turbo Expo '97- LaiWfajga & Air- 42nd Turbine & Aeroengine Congress: June 2-5, Convention Center, Orlando, Fla. Contact: ASME International, 345 E. 47th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10017-2392, tel: (404) 847-0072. AUVSI '97 (Association For Unmanned Vehicle Systems International): June 2-6, Baltimore, Md. Contact: Daryl Davidson, AUVSI executive firector, 1200 19th XNW, Ste. 300, Washington, D.C. 20036, teN^2) 857-1889; fax: (202) 223-4579. International Fastener and Precision Formed Parts Manufacturing Exposition: June 3-5, 1997, Rosemont Convention Center, Rosemont, III. Contact: Glenn Bischoff or Debbie Trawczynski, IFE '97, 191 South Gary Ave., Carol Stream, III. 60188-2092, tel: (708) 260-9700; fax: (708) 260-0395. Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) Owner's Group Industry-Wide Conference: June 3-6, CRUISE+FERRY97 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME OLYMPIA 2 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION CENTRE LONDON 13-14-15 MAY 1997 GLOBAL AND REGIONAL INFLUENCES ON THE CRUISE MARKETS - SESSION 1 The World Cruise industrVat the Millenium Tony Peisley, Cruise Market Travel «ialyst, UK The Globalisation of the Ci\se Industry Jay J Lewis, President, Market Scope llc^ Miami Seasonal repositioning strategies^ current and future trends for the main cruise malkets Jacques Charlier, Research Associate, Universite (^(Jjolique de Louvain, Belgium Volume, value and characteristics of maritime tourism in the Eastern Mediterranean G^se Michaelides, General Manager Marketing, The LoS(| Organization, Cyprus FAST FERRy KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS- SESSION 2: Fast and Faster Robert Clifford, Chairman, Incat Australia Pty Ltd, Tasmania Limitations on operating - the day-to-day challenges Rob Bryce, Business Development Manager, Hart Fenton & Co, UK Fast v Conventional Ferries - comparative advantages Erik 0stergird, Business Development Manager, Scandlines (DSB Rederi A/S), Copenhagen REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CO-OPERATION IN THE CRUISE SECTOR - SESSION 3 The Role of the MedCruise Association in the Mediterranean region's bid to make it a value- for-money cruise destination Anne-Marie Sciberras, Secretary General, MedCruise Assoc, Malta Cruise Europe: co-operation in Marketing Drive Captain Andre de Wilde, Executive Manager, Cruise Europe, Belgium A successful attempt towards the development of cruise business in Japan Itoh Goiti, President, Taiheiyo Ferry Co Ltd, Japan EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT - SESSION 4 Disaster Management - Lessons learned from TWA, a personal perspective Martha Reardon, The Harbor Consultancy International, USA Emergency response and disaster management Chris Beesley, Senior Admiralty Manager, Ince & Co Solicitors, London On board Emergency Training for Crews Jim Brand, Commercial Manager, RGIT Ltd, Aberdeen Developing a flexible and cost-effective bridge simulator for crisis management training Goran Granholm, Research Scientist, VTT, Finland REFURBISHMENT - SESSION 5 The classic refurbishment of the Savarcfta • Ataturk'syacht KahramanSadikoglu,Presidejytuzla Shipyard and Tourism Inc, Istanbul Avoiding accommodation refurbishmej#mistakes Anthony Dugdale, Regional General Manner, Trimline, UK CRUISE SHIP DESIGNS INFLUXES - WHICH WAY FORWARD? - SESSION I The evaluation and rating^f cruise ships: the passengers' perspective Jouglas Ward, President, The Maritime EvaluationsJsroup Ltd, and author of the BERLITZ Guide to Co^Bing and Cruise Ships Classic Voyagers Rafurn Stephen M Payne, Senior Naval Architect^rd Project Manager, Carnival Corporation Teoj^nical Services, London Design ijjp^ation on the club ship Aida Kai Bunge, Senior Partner, Partner Ship Design, Hamburg Discussion Panel: Njal Eide, Designer, Njal R Eide A/S, Norway (to be confirmed) Petter Yran, Architect, P yran & B Storbraaten Architect AS, Noiway (to be confirmed) John McNeece, Chairman, McNeece, London Donald Mathias, General Director Passenger Ship Division, Samsung Heavy Industries, Korea THE REMOVAL OF DUTY FREE AND FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR ONBOARD RETAILING - Part 1 - SESSION 7 Keynote paper: Which European Ferry Routes will still be viable by the Millenium? Peter lies, Partner, MDS Transmodal, UK A Millenium without duty free - the end of the Scandinavian Ferry and cruise ferry industries as we know them? Klas Brogren, Director, ShipPax Information, Halstad, Sweden Report on the Campaign to Retain Duty Free William Gibbons, Board Member, Duty Free Confederation and Director, Passenger Shipping Association, UK kFUTURE STRATEGIES FOR ONBOARD RETAILING •JD THE REMOVAL OF DUTY FREE - Part 2 Malice retailing into the 21" century Dee Maher, RetaiNOperations Controller, Allders, UK Can the^jrowth strategies of the airports be adopted «>y passenger shipping post non- tax- free? DawkJ Feldman, Mercer Management Consulting, Parr The interiors of the new large fast ferries radically depart from air^uft styles and encouragj passenger flow andf^pend Nils Beijer, Managj| Director, Figura Arkitekt^kSweden FAST FERRY PRESENTATIONS - SESSION A new medium size fast ferr^design fr®m Bazan Juan A Manage^^n F^ando Yard, and Juan L TejedorVrografi Manaayezan, Spail llew dual-pdfrJose destan for' butei nud El JeMffer l^cx, Jlaval HanJE^S^^^iagl It-hull and mono-hull funristic /ice President Sal! Filling the Ferry - a i seasonal traffic Archita^ptatalicJl A new fast ferries Jukka Laitera Design, Finnyards Ltd, Ra Philosophy of High Sjped Craft Capt Amir Esmiley,'' Nautical Surveyor ami, Tom Allan, Chief Surveyor, Marine Safety Ag^cy, UK Seacomfort analysis of the operational parameters^romparing a catamaran versus a monohull }M, Kvalsvold, Det Norske Veritas, Norway SuperSeapat - from design to operation Vincenzo FarinettL Technical Manager and Mauro Parodi, Project Manager, Fincantieri, Italy and Michael Simpson, Dnyfot, Hart Fenton & Co, UK fcsification and operational needs of the new feneration of high speed ferries Robert Curry, fManager Rule Development and Michael Pearson, Head Safety & Environment Systems Certification, ABS Europe, London CREATING THE ONBOARD VACATION AURA - SESSION 9 Design of Onboard passenger marketing Partner, The Syntax Group' State-of-the-Art in Onboard EiBedMfFnent Technology Derek dbm. Managjff Director, Glantre Eng^ering,^JK Switching tfe entertainT%ent,fenyironment - lighting public spaces on cmbefM" and fories Peter E<%Cims®13 Market M#agtetranc^fiPg, UK key area for McDonald, Senior NEffDE SHIP I DEVELOPME SION 10 ENGER WincrPRmfort for Cruise/PdSsenger Vessels Andreas G Jensen, Torben Sandergaard and Flora M Livesey, Danish Maritime Institute, Lyngby Sailing cruise liners for the next century Frank R MacLear, President and Chief Naval Architect, MacLear & Harris Inc, New York New concept of passenger elevator for cruise ships Bjorn Stenwall, Senior Naval Architect, Passenger Ship Division, MacGREGOR Group Fundamental rethinking of passengership design for economic operations by owners and construction by shipyards Markku Kanerva, Director - Business Development, Deltamarin Ltd, Finland Improved noise control - the hidden consequences for the design of modern cruise vessels Christer Borjesson, Det Norske Veritas, London Ventilation system design and maiAenance for air quality on passenger ships ADJpibster, Lloyd's Register, UK STABILITY/SURVIVABILIJ CONSIDERATIONS - SESSN & FLOODING 11 New damage stability a^Fidards and upgrading stability standards a^existing passenger/car ferries Osman Tuian, Dimitris Konovessis and Centekin Tuzcu, TlwShip Stability Research Centre, University of StralRlyde, Glasgow Retrofitting R^Ro ferries - selecting safer systems Keith W Hutjpnson, Research Associate, Argonautics Maritime^^hnologies Ltd, David Byrne, Managing DirectojWransmarine Ltd, David Hewitt, Managing Dirertir Armstrong Technology Associates Ltd, UK Flooding Risk Analysis - a design aid to passenger ps Chunsheng Hu, Lloyd's Register, UK THE INTERNET AND CRUISE + FERRY - EXCITEMENT,SCEPTICISM AND CONFUSION - SESSION 12 The Internet for marketing and sales of cruise and ferry products in the future John Broughan, Partner, Travel Technologies Group, USA Cyber Ships - cruising into the 21" century John Kimb™§|^r9li^(^ruisePhone Inc, USA (to be tonffme^ ^^^ \for this session CRUISE + FERRY 97 EVENIjfG RECEPTION he Cruise + Ferry 9^^WlH^ception will be jointly hosted by the Australian Trade Commission and the Australian High Commission in Australia House on the Strand from 19.00 to 20.30h. ^PROPULSION ADVANCES AND ECONOMY APROVEMENTS - SESSION 13 TnWJew 4000 in fast ferry application Gerhard HauSsnann, Director Marine Applications, MTU Friedriatehaven, Germany Azipod propulsion now favoured for the large cruise ships. Mikko Niini, Marketing and Sales Manager, Kvae^er Masa-Yards, Finland Aeroderivative gks turbine cruise ship power system update Sl^Brady, Advanced Programs Manager, GE Marine &^^ustrial Engines, Cincinnati, USA The Propulsion hydrodynamics and manoeuvring features of Polarlys - one ofibe new Norwegian Coastal Express liners on t^^'Hurtigruten" services LeifVartdal, Chief Hydrod^jmicist, Ulstein Propeller A/S, Norway Propulsion choice for a Danish ro-ro ferh^roject Erik Mailer, Senior Design Manager, MAN B&^Qiesel A/S, Denmark LIFE SAVING - SESSION 14 The Practicality of Demonstrating Marine Evacuation Systems Geoff Billington, ML Lifeguard Ltd, UK Safety - are we all in the same boat? Jens Peter Bie, Technical Administration Manager, Viking Life- Saving Equipment, Esbjerg WORKSHOP SESSION on IMO Legislation (Attendance to this 2-hour workshop is free to ship operators - see the appropriate section of the registration form) SOLAS Amendments, Chapter II-2 fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction SOLAS Amendments, Chapter ll-l, construction - subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations international Safety Management Allan Barrett, Senior Surveyor, and David Whittaker, Principal Surveyor, Construction Services Department, Lloyd's Register, London To resister for the conference: Fax or call the Cruise + Ferry Secretariat Tel: Circle 233 on Reader Service Card + 44 1923 776363 Fax: + 44 1923 777206