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Arco Recognized For Tanker Safety The crew of oil tankei Fairbanks was hojp^frtnrecogni- tion of its unprecedented safety milestone by Becoming the first of Arco's 10 tanKbrs to record four consecutive years\vithout a "lost time injury." The crew, along Iwith Captains Foremost's Christened«« Ha May Foremost Maritime Group announced! the christening of the M/V Chia May on behalf of its prin- cipals at TsWneishi Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.'s Tsun^shi Shipyard. The newbuilding is \ 73,500-dwt ship which is 738 ft. (2^5 m) long. Ship ProductioniSymposium Set For New Oneans The 1997 /ship Production Symposium is/ scheduled to take place April/iO-23, at the New Orleans Hyton Riverside. This year's conference is packed with topics that! are sure to be of high interest townany in the industry. The conference is split into three tracks, including the Executive Strategy >Track, the Government/Industry Cooperation Track and the Technical Track. Topics are varied, and include: Shipyard Technology development Strategies; PODAC 4- A Product Oriented Approach Ao Ship Cost Estimating; and Simulating the Shipbuilding Process: A Tool for Everyone. Aloiig with discussions, the TechnicaUfrack features sever- al workshop)!. For an updated list of conferences and topics, contact Deborah |Felts at tel: (601) 935- 2781; fax: JgOl) 935-6838. Symposiuhfc:JExhibitors Babcock & Wilcox, CIMSysto«s Computervision Cybo Robots Electric Boat Fair Engineering Gibbs & Cox Intergraph Lokring Maritime Reporter Proteus Engineering Sener Sigma Coatings USA • Tecnomatix Technologies The Imtek Group Wallace Coast Machine! Wright Computer Products April, 1997 ITTTTMT InliII mi "7RIT Hqhi i I Wells, received the company's fltet Arco CEO Award from Arc Marine, Inc. President HersI Kohut. The tanker has made a weekly, 1,200-mile trip from Valdez to Cherry Point and back without interruption for four years. During these foui^ga^^mid more than l^^MfJ&^hevessel naS delivemd^fpproximately 100 mil- barrels of Alaskan North Slope crude oil. Arco Anchorage, the only other Arco ship to log three consecutive years without a lost time injury, is also on schedule to reach the four-year safety mile- stone in November. In addition, three other Arco vessels, Arco Prudhoe Bay, Arco Texas and Arco ^laska are each on schedule safety milestone tnis year. Arco Marine is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Company whose oil tanker fleet it operates. IXIALCO This is how we like to ^ think of our seas, teeming with aquatic life, crystal clear, safe. In reality it's not always the case. Greater understanding has made the world realise we cannot go on dumping environmentally hazardous materials into the oceans. # . It is easy to turn a blind eye to the problem of "somebody else's ocean" and the inherent disaster it may one day cause. Governments may apply ever more stringeht criteria but it is the responsibility of the marine industry to impose it's own stricter . guidelines to protect the environment for future generations. NALFLEET, recogntling it's responsibilities, is committed to -ET, rae providing only those products and services which meet or exceed the highest standards of safety and environmental protection. Out of this commitment NALFLEET are proud to introduce the "SEA SHIELD" range of cleaning and maintenance products. • Meeting the latest I.M.O. and OSPARCOM regulations, as well as our internal health and pT ** safety requirements, the "SEA SHIELD" » products do not contain any alkyl phenol f^" ** Tnnjp,. ethoxylate surfactants, chlorinated , t V > hydrocarbon solvents, phenols or - * , J - cresols and use only de-aromatised hydrocarbon solvents. , -j, * "SEA SHIELD" products represent a - ' -• major technological step forward in chemical t 1 * safety and environmental protection whilst still providing optimum performance. Just what you would expect from NALFLEET, the marine division of NALCO CHEMICAL I * COMPANY - the world's leading supplier and innovator in water treatment products and services. Acknowledge your responsibilities today and send for further . information about the "SEA SHIELD" range. NALFLEETl m%oO • Hie IO A Responsible Care Company Circle 310 on Reader Service Card MARINE CHEMICALS NALFLEET WORLD HQ PO Box 11 nnington Avenue 'orthwich Cheshire CW8 4DX England Telephone: +44 [O] 1606 72161 Facsimile: +44 [0] 1606 78387