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Vanuatu Lowers Tonnage Tax Vanuatu has reduced its tonnage tax for the first time since the shipping reg- istry was established in 1981. The new annual tonnage tax will be (in $US): 0 to 15,000 tons $0.25 per net ton More than 15,000, less than 25,000 net tons $0.20 per net ton More than 25,000, less than 35,000 net tons $0.15 per net ton 35,000 net tons and more $0.10 per net ton "The new rates give Vanuatu an edge in competing for larger vessels," said Mr. Robert Bohn, president of the operating cei|p^ny for the registry. "This is one of a series of measures aimed at ens^n^lVamiatu's place in the fore- front of the international maritiyyomVuilty,li\jJe with the expectations of our shipowners." Furthei*maritmi^Skds\fciron is being drafted to ensure Vanuatu meets its oMTakions undqj International Maritime Organization conventions. The adfjjfcral ^gislat\n will effectively reorganize the mar- itime administration in VaViatu as well as port state control requirements, environmental protection and seafarer training. Vanuatu has approximately 450 vessels in its registry. For more information on the registry Circle 12 on Reader Service Card European Commission Supports Expedition To Determine Cause Of Derbyshire Wreik The second phase of the expedition to reexamine the wreck of Derbyshirethe British bulk carrier loaf in the Pacific in 1980 with its Brio^h crew, began in early JWarch. A team of experts will perform scfcar and photographic survey of the 1.5 x 1-km wreckage field, X The information aqllected wiUrform the database from which the European AssessS^s — acting on behalf of both the U.K. Department of Transporoai/l the European Commission — will seek to determine the cauj^f the vessel loss. The overall objec- tive is understanding wke lost to avoid similar tragedies by increasing the safet^ of bulk^ carriers. The European Commission's intere^ in the expedition is twofold: to provide an independent assessment of the dat^ollected to solve a long- standing controv^y over the actual cauSe of the ship loss, and; to obtain essential information on the stffcctural problems of these types of Walk carriers. The EuropMn Assessors team is comprised of two British members, Robin Williams and Douglas Faulkner, one Italian member, Remo Torchio of RINA, and is supported by two French scientists, P. Valdy and Y. Houard, both of IFRE- MER. WINCHES • Single or Multi-Drum • Traction • Anchoring • Mooring • Towing WINDLASSES CHAIN JACKS CHAIN STOPPERS FAIRLEADERS Custom Designed Products for Your Specific Needs since 1947. 7* TlfYlBERUMD EQUIPVY1EMT LimiTED TS6 TIMBERLAND EQUIPMENT LIMITED P.O. Box 490, 459 Industrial Ave. Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7Z2 CANADA Phone: 800-387-1892 Fax: 519-539-5853 TSE INTERNATIONAL, INC. 5301 Shreveport-Blanchard Highway Shreveport. LA 71107 U.S.A. Phone: 800-825-2402 Fax: 318-929-4853 Labor Code Maintenance Planner Coating System Inspection Reports of the software functions Bid Evaluator ifnl Scope of Work •Establish Budgets •Estimate Projects •Prioritize Work •Evaluate Performance •Organize Documentation •Inspect Surface Preparation •Inspect Mixing & Application •Verify Curing •And much, much. u ULUJI 1111uu*uUmUinon more. ^ Marine Coating Management Finally! A Software System Designed to Manage Your S.G. Pinney Associates and NACE Certified Inspectors can help you Available Exclusively From: For a Regional Office Located Near You Call CORPORATE OFFICE P.O. DRAWER 9220 PORT ST. LUCIE, FL. 34985-9220 PHONE 561/337-3080 • FAX 561/337-0294 or visit our web site ^Jj ' Just a few Project Description Part Catalogue Plant Parts 100 Circle 378 on Reader Service Card Circle 237 on Reader Service Card