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FAR EAST UPDATE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS by Alan Thorpe, international editor The main question on most peo- ple's minds in Southeast Asia is how Hong Kong will fare once the British colony is transferred back to mainland Chinese control. This subject has been further complicat- ed by the death of China's leader, Deng Xiaoping. Visiting Hong Kong, it is clear that the majority of business people, including both Chinese and foreigners, believe that little change will occur. Initial thoughts are that Mr. Deng's death will not affect the future that much, although the attitude towards Hong Kong may become even more conservative under the country's new leader, Jiang Zemin, if he manages to survive Pictured is the new 16,000-ton lifting capacity floating dock at Pan United Shipyard. The floating dock measures 615 x 120-ft. (187.5 x 36.5-m), and is able to dock vessels up to 50,000 dwt. the leadership under a possible threat from either Premier Li Peng or head of Parliament, Qiao Shi. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, the shipping industry is hoping that the appointment of C.H. Tung, son of C.Y. Tung, as leader from July will be a blessing for the industry as he is a "shipping man." The two shipyards in Hong Kong — Hongkong United Dockyard (HUD) and Yiu Luan Dockyard — have both undertaken reorganiza- tion programs to concentrate on the larger containership market, and move away from the smaller ship repair market, which is increasingly looking to the cheaper CLOUD — MANUFACTURING QUALITY MACHINERY SINCE 1964 — 4120 A Horizon Lane • San Luis Obispo, Ca. • 93401 • U.S.A. Telephone 805-549-8093 • Telefax 805-549-0131 • E-mail Los Angeles • Houston • New York • Rotterdam • Singapore • Australia Call or Fax us for Information on Worldwide Representation Including: • The U.S.A. Brewing Industry (#1) • The U.S.A. Trucking Industry (#1) • Oil Production and Transportation • Chemicai Production and Transportation • Food Production • Paper Pulp Production • Wineries, etc... The Most Reliable Tank Cleaning Machines In The World are only available from: Most Preferred by Industries with Tough Cleaning Applications 86 Circle 281 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News