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When you have a fleet that can G(j) ANYWHERE IN THE W(fe R L D, rr you need communications that can too. la i wBgr •H Fleet scheduling used to ^r be less hectic than air traffic No more So now ^^ COMSAT Mobile Communications - the largest Inmarsat service provider - ^^^ makes vessel communications simple, ^^^ reliable and cost-efficient on all seven of the high seas • Send and receive up-to-the-minute data on weather and routing information, harbor and docking requirements, contractual and exchange information, special cargo needs, ship maintenance and more. Use e-mail, telex, fax or voice • DIAL COMSAT FIRST7", and see how mobile satellite communications can help keep your business right on course. Call + 1-301-21 4-3 l •• or e-mail us at SALES@CDMSAT.COM Circle 288 on Reader Service Card .. rnmrnunicatjons 6COMSAT v Mobile Communications