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Advantages Of Electronic Portable Tank Gauging The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has mandated certain directives con- cerning the measurements of cargo onboard tank ships, including oil/water interface detec- tion for slop tanks, tank dryness dipping and the percentage of oxygen in the inerted ullage space of cargo tanks. These mandates offer new challenges for the improved supply of portable electronic tank gauging instruments (ullage, oil/water inter- face, temperature measurements and oxygen sensing) with associated mechanical cargo sampling and sounding tapes and accessories. Two of the most prestigious petroleum techni- cal associations — the American Petroleum Institute and the Institute of Petroleum Engineers — are continually updated their standards for restricted and closed (gas-tight) gauging, sampling and sounding, providing worldwide industry guidelines for the accep- tance of these portable measuring devices. In addition to the gauging, sampling and sounding standards, the API and IP have updated their oxygen-sensing standards. The advent of restricted and closed (gas-tight) gauging provides a number of significant advantages, including saved time and labor, improved accuracy and repeatability, and reduced atmospheric pollution. Moreover, the electronic sensing capabilities of these types of portable gauging systems allow gaugers with less training and experi- ence to operate equipment, with more reliable results than in the past. In order to change from open gauging to restricted or closed gauging, shipowners are required to install at least one vapor lock (vapor control valve) on each cargo and slop tank. This gives operators tank access for elec- tronic tank gauging instruments, along with sampling, sounding and oxygen sensing equip- ment. This portable combination (UTI gauging tape and vapor lock) achieves two results for inde- pendent surveyors hired to verify the quantity of cargo loaded or ready for discharge. The high quality portable gauging equipment available today delivers excellent resolution. The preceding was excerpted from a paper from William Henry, president, MMC International Corp. MMC International is a leading manufacturer of portable gauging equipment. MMC vapor control valves and gauging tapes are in service on thousands of tankers. For more information on MMC's products Circle 19 on Reader Service Card IT'S SHOW TIME The following are some upcoming industry conferences and exhibitions which may be of interest to those in the tanker market. Shipping '97: March 17-19, Stamford, CT. Contact: Carleen L. Kluss, International Marketing Strategies, 28 Southfield Ave., Stamford, CT. 06902, tel: (203) 406-0106; fax: (203) 406-0110. 1997 Ship Production Symposium: April 20- 23, New Orleans, La. Contact: Deborah Felts, P.O. Box 0092, Pascagoula, MS 39567, tel: (601) 935-2781; fax: (601) 935-6838; e-mail: Offshore Technology Conference '97: May 5-8, Astrodome U.S.A. Complex, Houston, Texas. Contact: Offshore Technology Conference, P.O. Box 833868, Richardson, Texas 75083-3868, tel: (214) 952-9494; fax: (214) 952-9435. The Safe Operation of Tankers in Coastal Waters and Approaching Terminals: May 8-9, Duchess Mews, London, U.K. Contact: Jane Hill, Conference manager, The Institute of Petroleum, 61 New Cavendish St., London W1M 8AR, U.K., tel: +44 171 467 7100; fax: +44 171 255 1472. Serving Charleston, Georgetown, Savannah, and Wilmington ports Complete pierside repair service, including: engine, electrical, welding, and fabrication. Riding crews available /WOUND THEj^JCK AROUND THE WORLD Qgp| ggal (803)767-5100 (803)767-5040 fax charlestonSHIP Getting your vessal underway on time is our specialty Circle 262 on Reader Service Card Ship Equipment Service & Repair MECHANICAL - ELECTRICAL - STRUCTURAL • Industrial Workshop • Motors & Generators • Turning & Machining • Underwater Services ' Welding & Fabrication • Product Sales MOSS MARINE (USA) INC Baltimore, Maryland Tel: 410-542-8775 Fax:410-542-8115 Circle 265 on Reader Service Card Painting at Sea? Safely convert rust with CORROSEAL Rust Converter Converts rust to magnetite in just one application! No toxic or flammable fumes. Easy to apply at sea or in port. No sand/grit blasting required. No need to remove sound paint. Bonds with all major topcoats. Earth and user friendly! VOC compliant. (All TOLL FREE CORROSEAL, INC 888-4-NO-RUST (888-466-7878) Ask for the distributor nearest you and for free samples of Corroseal Rust Converter and Corrozyme Paint Prep Enzyme Cleaner. • Corroseal and Corrozyme are Registered Trademarks of Corroseal, Inc. Space Machine & EI\iqiNEERiiNq Coup. COMPONENTS & ASSEMBLIES FOR MICROWAVE EQUIPMENT RADAR SATELLITE COMMUNICATION NAVIGATION AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL WEATHER DETECTION & ANALYSIS AVIONICS PHONE: (813) 323-2221 FAX: (813) 323-2376 e.mail: Circle 232 on Reader Service Card Circle 320 on Reader Service Card 45