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CUSTOMIZED TONNAGE to Ul H H Building or converting to meet each owner's specified performance 80,000 to 131,000 DWT shuttle tankers in versions including STL (submerged turret loading) and/or BLS (bow loading system) plus conventional manifold cargo handling systems, • Propelled by low-speed diesel engines or through a diesel-electric power station (also supplying cargo handling and dynamic positioning demands), • Full redundancy for ER and dynamic positioning systems, • Arranged with CP propellers, Becker flap rudders, bow & stern transverse thrusters plus dynamic positioning systems, • Provided with TV-monitored loading operation, and integrated bridge-controlled cargo handling. • O r-instead of a newbuilding-retrof\ts on crude oil tankers to convert them into shuttle tankers. A OTU # con c GrupoAstilleros Espanoles . | m #*'.# f* «?»•«• -f^M Ochandiano 14-16 # f^VIvf JT 28023 Madrid-Spain E^P %%%%%% torMIMULto AESA in Sestao, Seville. Cadiz and Puerto Real; ASTANO in Ferroi, ASTANDER in Santander; JULIANA in Gijon; BARRERAS in Vigo and MANISES DIESEL Circle 265 on Reader Service Card 27