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LOOK AT THE ADVANTAGES OF WASSER'S MC-COATINGS: • Single Component • Best Corrosion Resistance/Longest Life • Fastest Cure Ever (not just one coating, but the whole product line) • Easiest Application - No Humidity, Dewpoint, or Temperature Restrictions • All Coatings Are Surface Tolerant (even the zinc) • Best System Ever for Ballast Tanks Stow Your Coating Problems. Carruapt'n Dan or the Marine Desk at Wasser 800-MC-PAYNT Or Your Local Representative Listen III M Marine Painters! You're not married to those two part epoxy coatings. You've dragged that anchor long enough. it's time to switch to new technology. Put some fun and profit back into painting. Take it from Capt'n Dan*. If you want a better coating that applies in half the time, lasts twice as long, immerses in an hour, and makes epoxies obsolete... Call Wasser. *Dan Decker - International Marine Sales Manager HIGH-TECH COATINGS WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF MOISTURE-CURE URETHANE 8041 S. 228th • Kent, Washington 98032 U.S.A. (206) 850-2967 • Fax (206) 850-3098 Wasser Saves Time and Money and the Coatings Aren't Just Better - Tletfre a Lot Better! Circle 265 on Reader Service Card 15