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NASSCO/ARCO Marine/MarAd To Design Crude Carrier San Diego-based National Steel and Shipbuilding Co. (NASSCO) has signed an agreement with ARCO Marine of Long Beach, Calif., and the Maritime Administration (MarAd) to develop the design for a new crude oil carrier under the aus- pices fo the Maritech program. The purpose is to design a new double hull tanker for ARCO, to replace its older, single hull carriers. The new ship will be specifically designed to maximize safety in the movement of crude oil from Alaska to refineries on the West Coast. The ship will have twin propellers and rudders, and two completely redun- dant propulsion and electrical sys- tems. MAN B&W Diesel is report- edly providing assistance for the engine room design. MarAd, an agency of the Department of Transportation, is administering the project on behalf of the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Project Agency. Maritech is a government cost-shar- ing program established by President Clinton in 1993 to assist U.S. shipyards in the development of new designs for commercial ships. For more information on NASSCO Circle 106 on Reader Service Card HAGGLUNDS Hagglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, Sweden. Tel +46 660 871 00. Telex 6084 HAEGG S. Telefax+46 660 871 60 Racal Health And Safety launches New Racal 4000 International CABA Set Racal Health and Safety has added the Racal 4000 International CABA (compressed air breath- ing apparatus) to its range of respiratory protection equipment. Based on the Racal 4000 BA set, the new international version has been developed for use in toxic environments where a high level of respiratory protection is needed through the use of compressed breathing apparatus or where prolonged decontamination procedures are necessary. Racal Health and Safety Ltd., part of the Racal Electronics Group, designs and manufactures a wide range of CE-marked protective equipment including disposable masks, pow- ered air respirators and self-con- tained breathing apparatus sets. For more information on Racal Health and Safety Circle 81 on Reader Service Card Intelligent Power for Marine Applications Hagglunds Drives is a supplier of hydraulic drives for the marine and offshore industry and tough industrial applications. The Viking motors has been fitted into many thousand's of ship cranes on board ships sailing on the seven seas. Working in tropical heat and arctic cold. Day after day, year after year. The Viking motor is a high-torque low speed motor which has a mechanical efficiency as well as a starting efficiency of 97%. Because of the extremely low moment of inertia the motor is virtually insensitive to shock loads. The Viking motor is designed to be highly resistant to severe working conditions and environments. The Viking has proven itself on board ships, in underwater applications, in explosive and chemically corrosive industrial environments, in extreme heat and freezing cold. If you need a low speed - high torque drive that won't let you down - Viking from Hagglunds is the one to choose. Intelligent Power A drive system from Hagglunds Drives is more than just a good motor. It is a complete, intelligent drive system that can easily adapt to your production today and tomorrow. Send for our free brochure today and read more about the Viking motor and what Hagglunds Drives can do for you. Circle 259 on Reader Service Card November, 1996 73