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EUROPEAN UPDATE PROFITS UP AT VOSPER THORNYCROFT (Continued from page 17) has provided the machinery con- trol and surveillance systems as well as steering gear and stabiliz- ers. To improve radar cross-section signature of the ship, the hull form and superstructure have been carefully designed to minimize radar reflection and measures have also been incorporated to improve the infrared signature. The second vessel, SNV Al Mua'zzar, will be delivered later this year and is scheduled to arrive in Oman early in 1997. ACCESS OCEANS OF SHIP MANAGEMENT INFORMATION FROM ONE INTEGRATED NETWORK WITH SAFENET. Now there's a way to help you better manage your ocean-going vessels. It's called SAFENET™, a life-cycle ship management and information network, from ABS. Easy-to-use SAFENET is PC Windows-based with controlled selective access that makes the complex job of managing your ships easier and more efficient from your office or shipboard. SAFENET'S unique modules can be tailored to meet your requirements. The first module, available now, includes advanced on-line access to Survey Status database, ABS design documentation, ABS and industry publications and directories in addition to statutory requirements and port state control check sheets. The second module will include hull and machinery planned maintenance programs as well as on-line storage of ship drawings, gaugings, condition photographs and a SAFEHULL™ structural evaluation. Future modules will incorporate developing technologies. For more information, call ABS and ask about SAFENET today. FOUNDED 1662 I AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING £ AFFILIATED COMPANIES New York (212)839-5000 FAX (212) 839-5130 • London (44-171)247-3255 FAX (44-171) 377-2453 Singapore (651 276-8700 FAX (65) 276-8711 • Houston (713) 873-0700 FAX (713) 874-9551 Circle 205 on Reader Service Card PROFESSIONAL SCALE MODELS Serving The Marine Industry World-Wide *Spedalizing in detailed reprodu