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No one in satcom has so much experience at sea. Ships at sea aren't ordinary telecom customers. At Station 12®, we've known that for 90 years. Since 1904, when our people sent their CQs from an old doghouse on the Dutch coast, sailors have staked everything on our reliability. First as Scheveningen Radio-and today as Station 12, one of the world's top providers of satellite communications. Simply use our worldwide '12' access code. You'll get ultra-reliable phone, telex, fax and data services. Plus round- the-clock monitoring, so your calls get through fast. All at the affordable prices you need. And there's even more. Including a free worldwide helpdesk staffed by real maritime experts. An ISO 9002 certificate. And a leading role in the Inmarsat quality workgroup. So take a moment and compare Station 12 to your current satcom provider. Which would you rather have on board? Station 12 satellite communications. Extending your reach worldwide. I want to know more about Station 12. • Give me a call at the number below. Q Send me free information on Station 12 satcom services (Inmarsat-A, -B, -C, -M) and charges. Name Title Company Address City State Postcode Country Phone Fax In the U.S., call us toll-free at PTTTelecom Netherlands: 1 800 777 6842. Or fax this coupon to Station 12 Customer Services: +31 255 545 100. Outside the U.S., call: +31 255 545 111. Or post this coupon to Station 12 Customer Services, PO Box 468, 1970 AL IJmuiden,The Netherlands. Circle 275 on Reader Service Card i station 12