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COATINGS & CORROSION CONTROL port team. RHP has assumed Canadian rep- resentation for the complete line of Tapecoat corrosion protection prod- ucts. RHP stocks a full complement of Tapecoat products, including the new Tapecoat Gray protective tapes, with the integrated primer and the environmentally-conscious TC Enviroshield marine corrosion control system. Vecom Circle 40 on Reader Service Card Vecom is a Dutch company that specializes in chemical cleaning and surface treatment of metals and metal alloys. The company sold its marine department last year, but since then has tried to penetrate the marine market by selling its chem- ical cleaning services. Corroseal is designed to convert rust into a barrier of black, non- rusting magetite, for priming metal for painting in just one application. This water-based con- verter is combined with an unpig- mented, latex copolymer primer, is nonflammable and VOC compli- ant. Corroseal has been field test- ed for use on decks, double bot- toms, ballast tanks and bilges. Ipec LLC. Circle 62 on Reader Service Card Ipec L.L.C. is a holder of a patent for recyclable abrasive blasting technology. Rather than prohibit- ing manufacturers from producing equipment whose design violates Ipec's patent, the company is offer- ing to license the technology on a per-unit basis. License fees to manufacturers will equal three to seven percent of the value of the machinery. Ipec has also established a basis for owners of infringing machines to continue using those machines. Depending upon whether the man- ufacturer of the infringing equip- ment cooperates in the licensing program, owners' fees for existing equipment will range from one third to two thirds of the fees for new equipment. Infringing equipment can also b licensed on a project-by-projec basis. William D. Gluck, presi dent of Ipec, stated these fees wil be based on the number of squar feet treated. Dampney Company, Inc. Circle 63 on Reader Service Card Dampney's Thurmalox 260 hea and corrosion resistant coating are now VOC compliant. The coat ings have a VOC content of 3. lbs./gal. They can be applie directly to ambient equipment i the field or in fabrication shops, o to hot operating equipment at tem peratures of up to 500°F (260°C). Vecom provides metal surface treatment either on location or in its metal laundries. It offers pick- ling and passivation of carbon- stainless steel and non-ferrous materials, boiler maintenance, and the removal of contaminants with ultrasonic cleaning methods. U.S. Paint Corporation Circle 41 on Reader Service Card U.S. Paint Corporation, a nation- al and international marketer of paint and coatings for the marine, aviation, automotive and industri- al markets, announced that its quality management system has been approved by Lloyd's Register for ISO 9001 certification. U.S. Paint's Quality Manage- ment System certification is applicable to the design and manu- facture of specialty coatings. Eutectic Corporation Circle 42 on Reader Service Card The new line of cold repair Eutectic composites, made with advanced ceramics, carbides, poly- mers and other materials, is designed to provide wear resis- tance and to improve the perfor- mance of equipment. The Eutectic composites are unlike solvent-based compounds in that they produce no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or other toxic fumes, and have virtu- ally no odor. The line of Eutectic composites includes products such as Express, an emergency repair patch for a wide range of substrates; Ceramic Brush-On, a brushable coating for protection against corrosion, cavia- tion and chemicals; and General Repair, high performance bonding and rebuild compound. Graco, Inc. Circle 43 on Reader Service Card Graco's new expanded line of high pressure corrosion control sprayers are designed to provide extra power for higher flow rates, longer lines and better automiza- tion. Pressure ratios have report- edly been increased by up to ten percent on Bulldog, King and Premier corrosion sprayers. Wear life of these sprayers has been extended by building extra strength into the pump couplings, piston/displacement rods and ball stops, foot valves, housing, wet cup, threads and pump outlets. These new pumps also feature an extended three-year warranty. Corroseal, Inc. Circle 44 on Reader Service Card WHY DOES THE U.S. NAVY CHOOSE EVERPURE BR0MINATI0N SYSTEMS FOR DRINKING WATER? ire hr \AAactmr*n+ II Af Everpure. Inc., Westmont, IL 60559 Circle 229 on Reader Service Card equipment top approvals for shipboard use. So have the U.S. and Canadian Coast Guards. Call us toll free to find out more about our systems designed specifically for the cruise line industry. 1-800-323-7873 Follow the U.S. Navy. Choose Everpure. ULTRASONIC THICKNESS TESTING CAN DE DONE ON DECKS, BULKHEADS, TANKS & HULL PLATES WITHOUT GRINDING SPOTS IN VALUABLE COATINGS! • Coatings DO NOT have ro be removed — measures only rhe meral thickness • Do nor have ro destroy rhe integrity of perfectly good and cosrly coatings. No costly coating repairs • Saves rime and money • Uses rhe multiple echo measuring technique P.O. Box 6417 • Annapolis, MD 21401 Tel: 410-267-9771 • Fax: 410-268-2013 CYGNUS INSTRUMENTS'INC. Because they're safer, easier to use and more accurate over a wider range of water conditions. And they're less expen- sive in the long run than chlorination, without the taste and odor problems. The U.S. Public Health Service, NSF our bromination 62 Circle 240 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News