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ES 301 Epoxy Coating Series • 5>ave money with minimum surface preparation Excellent for all tanks, void areas, bilges and structural steel • No downtime, no waiting, compatible with wet, dry and tight rusted surfaces ^ COATINGS & CORROSION CONTROL (CONT'D FROM PAGE 54) ing in harsh environments. Wasser's proprietary improve- ments of this technology have yielded a class of coatings that reportedly offer performance and application advantages compared with epoxy urethane and inorganic coatings. Kopcke International (USA) Circle 29 on Reader Service Card Kopcke International (USA), Inc., part of the Kopcke Group, provides a "one stop supply ser- vice," also handling storage and transportation of owners' materi- als and ship spares. Kopcke recently celebrated its third anniversary in Houston with a move and expansion of its opera- tions, tripling the size of its ware- house and increasing staff the size of its staff as well. Stan-Blast Abrasives distributor for GMA garnet. The company also provides a spent abrasive recycling service. Circle 30 on Reader Service Card AqUO'Dyne, Inc. Stan-Blast is a manufacturer of coal slag abrasives on the U.S. Gulf Coast, with plants in New Orleans and Galveston. It is also an authorized Blastox blender, and Call for details! FLFMMXAVY PHONE USA (954) 484-2003 EUROPE (351) (65) 702525 FAX USA (954)733-7793 EUROPE (351) (65) 702711 USA • PORTUGAL • BRAZIL SPAIN • DUBAI INDIA • SINGAPORE Circle 228 on Reader Service Card Circle 34 on Reader Service Card Aqua-Dyne's GA 200 Series high pressure waterjet unit operates at pressures up to 20,000 psi and is available in a variety of configura- tions. Solid ceramic plungers within a triplex positive displacement 3.5- inch stroke pump rated up to 200 hp provide flow rates of more than 17 gallons per minute at 20,000 psi, and 68 gallons per minute at 5,000 psi. The GA 200 can handle a wide range of waterjetting tasks and is designed to provide the water- impact force of many higher pres- sure systems without their associ- ated problems. Models are avail- able with diesel, gasoline, or elec- tric engines and come trailer or skid-mounted. Cathelco Ltd. Circle 35 on Reader Service Card Cathelco Ltd. has installed its 2,000th anti-fouling system on Celebrity Cruises' Century, the cruise line's new flagship, built by Meyer Werft. The Cathelco equip- ment is designed to protect the ship's seawater pipework system against marine fouling and corro- sion. The installation consists of three separate anti-fouling systems and control panels, one in each of the three machinery compartments protecting the port and starboard strainers. The strainers with the largest flow rates, at 2,570-cu-m per hour and 1,120-cu-m per hour, were fitted with two pairs of copper and cast iron anodes, while the other strainers have single pairs. Carboline Company Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Carboline Company has an- nounced an agreement to purchase a majority interest in Chemrite Coatings (Proprietary) Ltd. ofl Johannesburg, South Africa. The I aquisition was scheduled to close in July. Chemrite is a manufacturer of industrial maintenance and cor- rosion control coatings, serving South Africa and neighboring coun-1 tries. Carboline Company, an ISO 9000- certified division of RPM, Inc., is a| manufacturer of protective coat-1 ings, tank linings and fireproofing. The Tapecoat Company Circle 39 on Reader Service Card The Tapecoat Company an- nounced the addition of RPHI Distributors Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, | to its international sales and sup- Maritime Reporter/Engineering News